ltera’s latest design software release, Quartus® II software v14.1, now supports both Generation 10 devices – Arria® 10 and MAX® 10 – in a single download.
The support for Arria 10 and MAX 10 devices are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Quartus II Software v14.1 Support for Arria 10 and MAX 10 Devices
Device Description
Arria 10
All Arria 10 devices: GT, GX (except 10AX032 and 10AX027), and SX (except 10AS032 and 10AS027)
Final pin-outs
SoC support
Digital signal processing (DSP) hardened floating-point implementation
Smart voltage ID
Early access to the Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) intellectual property (IP) core
MAX 10
Final pin-outs
Vertical migration support
Enhanced Flash MegaWizardTM support for new modes such as configuration flash memory (CFM) and user flash memory (UFM)
New Analog Toolkit for evaluating analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performance and for hardware debug
Power management controller reference designs