Eplan Electric P8 2.5 Multilanguage
EPLAN Electric P8 offers unlimited possibilities for project planning, documentation, and management of automation projects. The automatic production of detailed reports based on wiring diagrams is an integral part of a comprehensive documentation system and provides subsequent phases of the project, such as production, assembly, commissioning and service with the data required. Engineering data from other project areas can be exchanged via interfaces with the CAE software, thus guaranteeing consistency and integration throughout the entire product development process.
EPLAN version 2.5 launching on August 17th
Faster template creation and simplified standardisation are amongst the many benefits provided by EPLAN’s new CAE software 2.5 version. A new navigator facilitates the creation and editing of electrical and fluid power engineering macros, while the expanded terminal editor and streamlined cable planning for machines/plants with EPLAN FieldSys make designing even more intuitive and convenient.
A central challenge in the engineering process is managing various levels of revision within a project and, to address this, the new EPLAN Platform Version 2.5 offers page/area-specific revision management. Project areas such as functional structures, location definitions and disciplines can be independently revised, meaning that changes remain transparent throughout the entire process and for all project participants at all times.
As a key tool for standardisation, EPLAN uses macros in the software. With variant and placeholder technology, this means that users can easily add partial circuits to an overall project. The new macro navigator facilitates management of the design process, as macros can be worked on in a tree diagram or within a table – even in multiple selections.
Macro variants and different representation types can be more easily viewed in context, and – as with previous versions of the software – can be quickly and easily selected. Furthermore, Version 2.5 also allows management of multiple names for each macro, reducing the need to create article-specific macros because one macro can now be used for several parts.
The enhanced terminal editor featured by EPLAN Platform Version 2.5 provides a graphical representation of terminal types and categories enabling fast and clear validation of selected terminal strips. If changes become necessary, these can be done directly in the terminal editor, and the parts and components can also be entered or changed directly in the editor. Terminals can be conveniently sorted along terminal strips via drag and drop.