SEMCAD X Matterhorn is a full-wave 3D electromagnetic simulation software, offering a novel suite of seamlessly integrated solutions tailored to address a wide variety of engineering challenges across a broad portfolio of simulation, design, and engineering applications.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn ANTENNA software package is a full-wave FDTD simulation solution for solving all free space electromagnetic wave propagation and radiation challenges. The intuitive design flow allows for the efficient and rapid design and optimization of antennas and large radiating structures.
As the most frequently applied solvers in near-field dosimetry, they have been extensively validated and documented according to the IEEE/IEC 62704-1 standard as well as by comparisons with measured data (> 200 publications). Comprehensive documentation is available for SEMCAD X Matterhorn.
Provides integrated, advanced, and interactive CAD modeling without the need for a preprocessor or live-link; and handles complex models, e.g.,massive CAD models.
Processing (interpolation, interactive cropping/masking, etc.) and visualization of the simulation results together with the measured/imaging data directly on the models.
SEMCAD X Matterhorn EMC Solution harnesses the full power of FDTD to solve and accurately predict EM emission and electromagnetic compatibility issues. Accurate emission and interference testing is extended beyond standard measurements and time to market is significantly accelerated to achieve a competitive edge.
Adaptive, rectilinear meshes can be generated interactively with excellent heuristics-based automatic grid generation and flexible tuning.
Supports drag-drop-based assignments and features powerful interactive handling, e.g., in geometric modeling, simulation coupling, and material assignment.
A novel pipeline architecture allows for the setup of complex analysis sequences and simple reevaluations with modified input data or parameters. Analysis steps can be stored in and re-loaded from analysis or visualization “projects.”