FloTHERM enables engineers to create virtual models of electronic equipment, perform thermal analysis, and test design modifications quickly and easily before any physical prototypes are built.
FloTHERM uses advanced CFD techniques to predict airflow, temperature, and heat transfer in components, boards, and complete systems.
With a 98% user recommendation rating, FloTHERM is the undisputed world leader for electronics thermal analysis and has more users, application examples, libraries and published white papers than all other
Models that range in scale from single ICs on a PCB to full racks of electronics are assembled quickly from a complete set of SmartParts (intelligent model creation macros) that are supplied with FloTHERM from a large list of suppliers from around the globe. SmartParts capture modeling expertise to streamline model creation, minimize solve times and maximize solution accuracy.
Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) SmartPart functionality is also supported by FloTHERM. By adding a TEC you can control the temperature so the specified component doesn’t get hotter than the predefined maximum for your design. Also, the Fan RPM Derating feature supports the operation of an electronic device at less than its rated maximum power while taking into consideration the case or body temperature, ambient temperature and the type of cooling mechanism used
FloTHERM V9.1이 발표되었습니다.
FloTHERM V9.1에서 새로 추가된 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 지원 OS 변경
- FlexLM 버전 11.6으로 변경 (license code는 기존과 동일, 새로 발급받을 필요 없음)
- Windows 7 지원 (Business, Enterprise, Ultmate edition)
2. EDA interfacing
- Mentor Graphics ‘Expedition PCB’ 와의 직접 호환 가능
- Board shape, layout, stack-up, 동박 분포 등
- Allegro, BoardStation, CR5000 지원 계속
3. XML interfacing
- Project or Geometry import 가능
- ASCII PDML과 달리 license 필요 없음
- IcePak to XML converter 사용 가능
4. FloMCAD Bridge
- ACIS R20으로 업그레이드
5. Transient Model 정의 방법 변경
- 설정창이 [Model/Transient]로 통합
- Keypoint time grid에 의거 time patch 자동 생성
6. 조작 편의성 향상
- Assembly가 펼쳐진 상태에서도 선택 표시됨
- 서로 다른 종류의 object를 동시에 선택 가능
- Project Manager에서 Shft키를 이용한 다중 선택 가능
- Profile 창내 최소,최대화, label on/off switch
- Double precision solver switch
7. Fan 내 전도 모사 가능
- Fan에 material 적용하여 cowling과 hub 전도 모사 가능
- 소모전력 중 발열량이 동작점 효율로부터 계산되어 적용
8. Power as non-linear function of temperature
- 온도와 power의 관계를 사용자가 정의 가능
9. Convective heat flux 정의 변경
- Domain 내에서 최소 온도를 기준으로 정의
10. Temperature Gradient(degC/m) 저장
11. “Bn”, “Sc” post processing parameter 추가
- Bn : Thermal Bottleneck
- Sc : Shortcut