Synopsys IC Compiler vO-2018.06 for linux
IC Compiler
Place and Route System
The IC Compiler™ place and route system is a single, convergent, chip-level physical implementation tool. It includes flat and hierarchical design planning, placement, clock tree synthesis, routing and optimization, manu.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-08-12 Size: 1dvd
Synopsys Identify vN-2018.03 SP1 FOR WIN/LINUX
Identify RTL Debugger
Simulator-like Visibility into FPGA Hardware Operation
The Identify® RTL debugger allows you to instrument RTL HDL and then, still at the RT-Level, debug the implemented FPGA on live, running hardware. The Identify FPGA debug so.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-08-12 Size: 2DVD
Synopsys Fpga vN-2018.03 SP1
Synplify Pro
Logic Synthesis for FPGA Design
Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis software is the industry standard for producing high-performance and cost-effective FPGA designs. Synplify software supports the latest VHDL and Verilog language constructs including SystemVeril.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-08-12 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys Synplify FPGA 2018
Synplify Premier solution is the industry’s most productive FPGA implementation and debug environment. It includes all the features of Synplify Pro and additionally provides a comprehensive suite of tools and technologies for advanced FPGA designers as well as ASIC proto.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-07-29 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys PrimePower 2018.06
PrimePower has advantages over Design Power, said William Ruby, director of marketing for mixed-signal and low-power design at Synopsys. One is the tool’s ability to handle designs with potential capacities of up to 10 million instances. Another is PrimePower’s time-ba.....
Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-07-29 Size:
Synopsys Synplify FPGA 2017.09
Synplify Pro
Logic Synthesis for FPGA Design
Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis software is the industry standard for producing high-performance and cost-effective FPGA designs. Synplify software supports the latest VHDL and Verilog language constructs including SystemVe.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2018-03-12 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys ICC2 vM-2016.12
High-performance Design Success with IC Compiler II
The IC Compiler II Technology Symposium is over now. Thanks to the 250 place and route experts who gave their time and contributed to this event. A big thank you to our presenters from Broadcom, Intel, Mellanox, Movidius, .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2017-01-26 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys Hspice vL-2016.06.SP1 for win/linux
Gold standard for accurate circuit simulation.
Extensive model support of the most accurate and expansive set of industry-standard and proprietary simulation models.
HSPICE just got faster again! Syno.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2016-10-05 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys Siliconsmart vL-2016.03
Comprehensive Cell, I/O and Memory Characterization
SiliconSmart® is a comprehensive characterization solution for standard cells, I/O, complex cells and memory. It generates accurate model libraries tightly correlated with Synopsys’ digital implementati.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2016-07-02 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys VCS MX vK-2015.09 SP2
ndustry’s Highest Performance Simulation Solution
The Synopsys VCS® functional verification solution (Figure 1) is the primary verification solution used by most of the world’s top 20 semiconductor companies. VCS provides the industry’s highest performan.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2016-07-02 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys Synplify K-2015.09
Logic Synthesis for FPGA Design
Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis software is the industry standard for producing high-performance and cost-effective FPGA designs. Synplify software supports the latest VHDL and Verilog language constructs including SystemVerilog and VHDL-200.....
Language : Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-11-04 Size: 2DVD
Synopsys Synplify vJ-2015.03 SP1
Synplify Pro® FPGA synthesis software, part of the Synopsys FPGA design solution, is the industry standard for producing high-performance, cost-effective FPGA designs. Its unique Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology® (BEST™) performs optimization at a high le.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-09-07 Size: 1DVD
Multi-Core/Multi-Machine Enabled Full-Chip Circuit-Level Simulation
FineSim™ is a high-performance circuit simulator with built-in full SPICE and FastSPICE simulation engines. FineSim's unique multi-core/multi-machine simulation capability allows users to dr.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-08-19 Size: 1DVD
Functional Verification Choice of Leading SoC Design Teams
Industry-leading designers of today’s most advanced designs rely on the Synopsys VCS® functional verification solution for their verification environments. In fact, a high majority of designs at 32nm and below are verified with V.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-23 Size: 1DVD
The Gold Standard for Accurate Circuit Simulation
HSPICE is the industry's "gold standard" for accurate circuit simulation and offers foundry-certified MOS device models with state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms. With over 25 years of successful design tapeouts, HSPICE is the indus.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-21 Size: 1DVD
Golden Signoff Solution
The Synopsys PrimeTime suite provides a single, golden, trusted signoff solution for timing, signal integrity, power and variation-aware analysis. It delivers HSPICE® accurate signoff analysis that helps pinpoint problems prior to tapeout thereby reducing risk, ensuring de.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-19 Size: 1DVD
Synopsys' IC Compiler II Accelerates Silicon Validation of Imagination's Ground-breaking PowerVR® Ray Tracing IP
Imagination's IMGworks Platform IP Group Leverages Long Standing Collaboration with Synopsys to Make Full Use of IC Compiler II's Advanced Capabilities
IC Compiler II's gam.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-18 Size: 1DVD
Complete Transistor-Level Analysis and Debugging Environment
CustomExplorer™ provides a complete transistor-level analysis and debugging environment for pre-processing and post-processing SPICE and FastSPICE simulations. CustomExplorer is integrated with Synopsys’ HSPICE® and CustomSim.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-15 Size: 1DVD
Saber is a proven platform for modeling and simulating physical systems, enabling full-system virtual prototyping for applications in analog/power electronics, electric power generation/conversion/distribution and mechatronics. Decades of industry success and innovation have earned Saber a reputatio.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-06-15 Size: 2DVD
Premier graphical waveform analyzer
Today's complex integrated circuit (IC) designs generate a vast amount of simulation data. CosmosScope™ turns that mountain of data into useful information. With powerful analysis and measurement capabilities, patented waveform-calculator technology, a.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-05-18 Size: 2CD
Accelerate Design Innovation with Design Compiler®
Synopsys' Design Compiler® family of products in the Galaxy™ Implementation Platform maximizes your productivity with its complete solution for RTL synthesis and test, Design Compiler Graphical, uses advanced optimizations and shared techno.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2015-04-03 Size: 1DVD
Formality and Formality Ultra
Verifies the toughest designs synthesized with DC
Formality® is an equivalence-checking (EC) solution that uses formal, static techniques to determine if two versions of a design are functionally equivalent.
The size and complexity of today’s designs, cou.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2015-03-17 Size: 1DVD
Automatic Test Pattern Generation
TetraMAX® ATPG automatically generates high quality manufacturing test patterns. It’s the only ATPG solution optimized for a wide range of test methodologies and integrated with Synopsys’ patented DFTMAX™ and DFTMAX Ultra, the leading t.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2015-03-17 Size: 1CD
Comprehensive Place and Route System
IC Compiler is the leading place and route system. A single, convergent, chip-level physical implementation tool, it includes flat and hierarchical design planning, placement, clock tree synthesis, routing and optimization, manufacturability, and low-.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2015-03-17 Size: 1DVD
Automatic Test Pattern Generation
TetraMAX® ATPG automatically generates high quality manufacturing test patterns. It’s the only ATPG solution optimized for a wide range of test methodologies and integrated with Synopsys’ patented DFTMAX™ and DFTMAX Ultra, the leading t.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2015-01-23 Size: 1DVD