TNTgis 2022_Geospatial software for image analysis and GIS


TNTgis 2022_Geospatial software for image analysis and GIS
Datum Workstation is an advanced Geographic Information System that integrates display and processing of map data, imagery, and terrain data along with the creation and management of associated relational databases. Datum Workstation provides all the tools needed to create, edit, georeference, interpret, and publish any type of geospatial data. Geospatial analysis processes are provided for geometric (vector, CAD, shape) map data as well as for imagery and terrain data so that you can easily turn your geospatial data into geospatial information. The results of your project analysis can be styled and annotated for printing, turned into an electronic atlas, or converted to web tilesets and assembled in geomashups for view ing on the Internet in a web browser. Using Datum Workstation you can take on projects in agricultural management, environmental monitoring, mineral exploration, wildlife management, disaster relief, land stewardship, archaeology, site planning, and many other application areas.
