ISTRAM ISPOL is the most comprehensive and efficient application in the market to design civil engineering projects. Its power of calculation and global project conception are two of the features most valued by our customers.
Unlike other programmes, the working environment has been specifically designed to allow the engineer to automate geometrical data of the various elements of the project, obtaining graphic results and reports immediately, without needing to access complicated dialogue charts.
Its modular structure allows choosing from a simple configuration to roads and motorways, up to more comprehensive ones covering railway, distribution and supply projects through pipe networks, renewal and improvement of existing roads, development or mineral extraction projects, among others.
The support and development department is at your disposal directly and personally. If you have any queries, they will be resolved at once. If you propose a new functionality for the application, it will be programmed in a few days.
DIGITAL CARTOGRAPHYDigital CartographyThe work environment allows editing digital cartography, providing users with the typical tools of a CAD editor and others specifically designed for civil engineering projects. Unlike other applications, ISPOL works 100% with 3D entities.
The application covers import and export of data from various sources, including topography posts, GPS devices and digital formats of the most common applications.
The system is completed with a powerful generator of digital and curved models, a raster image manager and a complete printing system.
LINEAR WORK PROJECTSLinear Work ProjectsSPOL allows designing from the simplest road to the most complicated motorway, automatically resolving relations between axes, as is usual when a link is designed.
The calculation power, control over the project and the design philosophy based on surfaces and codes allow addressing any type of construction singularity. It is worth highlighting the ease and versatility with which tunnel sections can be defined.
The application provides assistance to comply with and verify usual design standards for tracing a road, conducting visibility analyses, speed diagrams and vehicle trajectories.
The possibility of personalising graphic output and utilities and complements developed provides engineers with full plans and reports.
One of the most powerful functionalities is defined by the calculation engine that allows obtaining all type of volume measurements, enabling a financial appraisal of all the construction units of your project.
Railway projects
Covers the design of one or two-way routes and easily resolves the use of track apparatus. .
Sanitation and distribution, pipes
Define the ditch and pipes to be used with as much complexity as you wish, taking advantage of tools that will calculate for you all types of relations and parameters.
Improvement, expansion and renovation
Quickly resolve complex relations to be defined in projects for reinforcement of road surfaces, duplication of roads. Complex measurements are made immediately.
Project follow-up and control
Manage the construction controlling measurements and tolerance at each phase, using tools that allow a quick edition of field data.
Tunnel control
Control of projected and built geometry is conducted by comparing and analysing data obtained with a profilemeter and those projected.