Encina has developed a powerful timber framing add-on for ArchiCAD in partnership with The Oak Frame Carpentry Company Ltd. Designing the software in cooperation with a framer has ensured the objects and tools are relevant, familiar, and easy to use.
Editable 3D Model:
True 3D representation provides superb visualisation for customers and carpenters alike, but the benefits run much deeper. A full project model helps to validate your design (particularly at complex joints) and ensures your documentation is coordinated.
FrameWright provides a full suite of timber objects to construct building models with. All objects can be edited in 2D and 3D, and - thanks to the integrated ArchiCAD building model - every change is reflected throughout your documentation. These features enable you to respond quickly and accurately to client requests for variations.
Virtual Framing Yard:
Layups or bents are often set out flat on the workshop floor prior to construction on site. Working in FrameWright Pro mirrors this approach - a frame can be constructed in a plan view by placing, cutting, and rotating timber objects, and finally tilting the completed assembly into the model.
FrameWright also supports repeated editing of frames through its 'Assembly' tools. Any selection of framing objects can be designated as an 'Assembly', enabling you to define and recall two working planes: one in plan for easy editing, and the other correctly positioned in the building. Frames can be automatically transformed to either plane on request. All timber can be automatically numbered or scheduled on the fly.
Smart Framing Objects:
A comprehensive collection of timber objects are built into FrameWright, including jowls, cambered, tapered, and curved. These are not simply 'dumb' shapes, but dynamic software components designed to simulate the behaviour, properties, and measurable quantities of their real-world counterparts. All objects may be freely cut, rotated, jointed, and linked to a lay-up.You can save copies of these objects with your preferred settings or use FrameWright's profiling tools to create new shapes.
FrameWright also provides a library of steel objects including beam, joist, column, castellated, channel, angle, asymmetric, and hollow (rectilinear and round). Numbering, scheduling, and jointing does not apply to steel framing.