GRAPHISOFT EcoDesigner for ArchiCAD 14
Simultaneously with the release of ArchiCAD 14,
GRAPHISOFT is proud to introduce the new version of
the world's number one building energy information
modeling tool to the BIM market. EcoDesigner for
ArchiCAD 14 offers numerous new features covering
three main areas:
* a feature set that supports sustainable
architectural solutions equally for all climate regions;
* a dynamic calculation engine capable of
precisely evaluating complex building geometries and
MEP systems;
* detailed results that display all relevant
information regarding a building's energy systems
The New EcoDesigner User Guide
A combination of the updated manual and the Advanced
EcoDesigner User Guide, this documentation explains
the new features of EcoDesigner for ArchiCAD 14 in
detail, and contains all the information necessary to
perform the dynamic energy evaluation of ArchiCAD
models. From the explanation of the fundamental terms
of building physics to advanced software
customization, it enables every user to utilize
EcoDesigner to its full potential.
Download the User Guide here.
Early Design Phase
The truth of sustainable design is that approximately
80% of the design decisions that influence a
building's energy performance are made by the
architect in the early design phase; the remaining 20%
are made by engineers at the later phases of design.
Therefore, it is critical for architects to be able to
utilize a quick and reliable energy performance
evaluation at the earliest stage of the building
design process.
Using GRAPHISOFT EcoDesigner, architects can easily
analyze their design, at an early stage, for energy
efficiency. Providing invaluable feedback on the
building's energy performance means the architect can
make better decisions on how to conform to regulations
and satisfy the interests of the client and the
operator of the building. Ultimately, with energy
efficiency, we all win!
"Energy efficiency is becoming a key factor. ArchiCAD
allows the Architect to positively affect the design
at the earliest and most convenient phase."
Teemu Kurkela, CEO, JKMM Architects, Finland
Informed Decisions
"Sustainable architecture" is the practice of
designing, constructing and maintaining buildings in a
way that their environmental impact is minimized. One
of the most important aspects of sustainable design is
energy efficiency - a drive to reduce the amount of
energy a building consumes during its life-span.
GRAPHISOFT EcoDesigner enables architects to quickly
and efficiently evaluate design alternatives based on
energy consumption, carbon footprint and monthly
energy balance.