From liquids, to gases, to paper slurries, we offer affordable, flexible, and easy-to-use software, providing a clear picture of your total fluid piping system. PIPE-FLO brings you an immediate return on your software investment.
Each PIPE-FLO product provides a complete picture of a fluid piping system by incorporating the following features into a single easy to use program:
Provides a Clear Picture
See the details of the entire system on the piping schematic drawing.
Accurately Calculates
Perform all fluid flow calculations in a single program.
Direct Access to System Information
Gain access to electronic documents needed to design, build, operate and maintain the piping system.
Easily Communicate with Everyone Involved
Powerful communication tools providing everyone involved with a clear picture of the piping system.
Providing a Clear Picture
PIPE-FLO's piping schematic, or FLO-Sheet shows all pumps, tanks, components, and controls in your piping system, providing you with a total picture.
Increase the presentation value of the piping schematic by using your own naming convention for pipelines, pumps, tanks, control valves, and junctions.
Display the valves and fittings on the piping schematic to increase the system details.
Add details to the drawing by inserting free-floating text and group boxes on the piping schematic.
Create the FLO-Sheet by using PIPE-FLO's powerful drawing tools (display grid, snap to grid, erase, insert vertex, insert objects, etc.).
Build the drawing quickly using a variety of copy tools (single object, group copy, copy of design data, including standard copy & paste shortcut keys).
Move easily around even the largest drawing using a variety of zoom and pan tools.
PIPE-FLO works with your existing CAD software by importing and exporting drawings in a DXF format.
Insert new pumps, controls, components, and pipe junctions in the piping system using the split pipeline feature.
Quickly view the design data for each item in the piping system by pointing to the object and viewing the details in the fly-by viewer at the bottom of the window.
View results right on the piping schematic and see when the system is exceeding pre-defined limits.
Personalize your FLO-Sheet and create a professional looking document with the presentation mode or by adding a background image.
Design files, or project templates, streamline the design process and maintain design control for all pipelines in the system.
Determine exactly where savings can be made in your piping system operation, design, and maintenance by simulating the system in various operating conditions. Optimize the piping system while it is being built, providing a better final design.
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Accurately Calculates
Determine pump operating costs for your piping system model over a user-defined period of time, for any configuration or lineup.
The program uses pipe and valve data tables to look up the properties needed to perform pressure drop calculations.
Choose from an extensive library of pipe and fluid data tables to customize PIPE-FLO to meet your needs.
Customize PIPE-FLO by creating and modifying the pipe, valve, and fluid tables used by the program.
Use one of three pipeline-sizing rules to arrive at an optimum pipe diameter for the design flow rate.
Calculate the head loss in single pipeline, graph the results, and consider your options to optimize the design.
The PIPE-FLO Professional version of the program provides all the tools necessary to accurately model piping systems transporting both liquids and compressible gases.
The PIPE-FLO Compressible version of the program provides all the capability to perform a rigorous gas calculation for systems transporting steam and compressible gases.
The PIPE-FLO Stock version of the program provides the ability to model piping systems transporting paper stock slurries found in paper mills.
PIPE-FLO Professional and PIPE-FLO Compressible perform a full hydraulic network analysis calculating the balanced flow rates and pressures for a variety of piping system configurations (series, branched, open looped, closed loop, and primary / secondary, etc.).
PIPE-FLO Stock calculates the flow rates and pressures for piping systems in series and branched configurations, typical of piping systems in pulp and paper mills.
Calculate the total pump head required for the most hydraulically remote load.
Select pumps from electronic catalogs supplied by pump manufacturers (over 100 manufacturers currently support the program).
Model any centrifugal pump by manually entering the data from the pump curve.
Model pumps running with a fixed speed or variable speed drive.
Insert the pump into the piping system model to see how the pump and piping operate as a total piping system.
Model a variety of control valves and calculate the design point needed for control valve selection.
Manually enter the control valve coefficients for greater accuracy.
Calculate the throttle valve positions needed to balance the circuits in a piping system.
Size flow meters and balancing orifices and see how they affect the operation of the total piping system.
Evaluate the piping system under a variety of expected operating scenarios, and save the operating scenarios for later use.
Calculate your atmospheric pressure using your elevation with the Atmospheric Pressure Calculator.
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Direct Access to System Information
Pipe specifications saved in the design file allow you to use your company's existing pipe specifications for multiple projects.
Create and modify your own pipe specifications and save them in your company's design files.
Document the design by entering notes for any object on the piping schematic.
Select an object on the piping schematic and create hypertext links to any electronic document, (CAD drawing, word processing document, PDF file, spreadsheet, etc.) located on your computer or network.
Add hyperlinks and access WebPages on a manufacturer's Website or within your company's Intranet.
Create links to any programs you use to design, build, operate, and maintain fluid piping systems.
The list views provide results in tabular form for the various items in the piping system. For example, the pipeline list view shows all the pipelines in the system complete with design information and calculated results.
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Easily Communicate with Everyone Involved
The piping schematic displays the calculated results providing a clear picture of how the total system operates. Make the piping system come alive by viewing your results using the color gradient feature. This is an excellent way to find the bottlenecks within your piping system.
The program highlights the pipelines, pumps, and control valves in the piping system that are operating outside your prescribed limits of operation.
See when a pump is operating outside the manufacturer's specified limits of pump operation. PIPE-FLO alerts you when the Net Positive Suction Head available is insufficient, when flow through the pump is below the recommended minimum value, and when the pump is operating outside the preferred operating region.
Point to an item on the piping schematic and see detailed results in the fly-by viewer located at the bottom of the PIPE-FLO window.
Sort the list by any column in the list view. To get a list of pipelines that may be undersized for your system, sort the pipeline list by fluid velocity. All the undersized pipelines (those with high fluid velocity) are grouped together at the beginning of the list, and all the oversized pipelines (those with low fluid velocity) are grouped at the end of the list.
Document the design data and calculated results by printing a list report.
Using any Windows supported printer or plotter to create a piping schematic drawing, complete with calculated results. Create piping schematics for large piping systems by using the tiled printing feature that creates a page for each section of the system.
A bill of materials report documents everything needed in a project, including the pipe material, size, schedule, length, valves & fittings, along with all the pumps, tanks, control valves, and components in the system.
Export the design data and calculated results to a text file that can be imported into Excel or any spreadsheet application.
Archive printed reports as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, and then view the reports using the Adobe Reader program. Everything you need is included with PIPE-FLO; there is no additional software to buy.
E-mail clients and vendors PIPE-FLO reports as PDF attachments, all from within the PIPE-FLO program.
E-mail your PIPE-FLO Professional piping system models in the Piping System Viewer (PSV) format to clients, vendors, or anyone needing to know how the piping system operations. They can then view the system using the free PIPE-FLO Viewer program.