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- Freshtime:2010-10-24
- Search:Landmark WellCat v2003 download
Integrated design analysis for casing and tubing configurations
Landmark’s WELLCAT™ software provides precise solutions for both wellbore analysis and integrated casing and tubing design. The software calculates accurate downhole temperature and pressure profiles which can be used for pipe-body movement and casing and tubing load analysis. WELLCAT software is the tool of choice for many companies operating in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) deepwater or heavy oil drilling and production environments.
The software integrates five modules into a common environment to provide more accurate and reliable solutions to complex design problems. Thermal effects are modeled for drilling and production operations. A comprehensive analysis of loads and stresses on casing and tubing is provided, including service life analysis. Detailed analysis of the entire casing system is provided to understand the effects of annular pressure buildup and the interaction in the casing and tubing systems within a well. Loads and their resulting wellhead movement are evaluated to determine the integrity of the well tubulars.
WELLCAT software is a component of The Engineer's Desktop™ software suite of technologies, which enables integrated operations reporting, drilling and completions engineering and well planning workflows. The Engineer's Desktop suite is integrated on the Engineer's Data Model™ software platform.
Comprehensive Solutions
Provides powerful casing and tubing analysis for simple to complex well configurations including tension leg platforms in a single application.
Understanding of Wellhead Movement
Determines and redistributes loads in the casing system for critical well design.
Reduce Casing and Tubing Costs
Efficient and accurate designs based on user-defined load conditions can help lower casing and tubing costs.
Integrated Design Can Improve Safety
WELLCAT™ software technology helps engineers design safer, higher quality designs for complex HPHT wells. Understanding thermal expansion of annular fluids can help engineers design casing that can manage thermally induced wellhead movement, eliminate buckling and reduce casing collapse of inner strings or casing burst of outer strings during production operations.
Drill Design Module
The Drill Design module simulates flow and heat transfer during drilling operations, providing full transient analysis. The software offers linked analyses with the Casing design module.
The Drill design module is useful for:
Cementing operations temperatures, including inner string cementing.
HPHT hydraulics
Downhole tool temperatures
Subsea wellhead and BOP temperatures
Hydrate inhibition program schedule
Casing service loads during drilling
Undisturbed temperature profile from log and drilling data
Multistring initial conditions annular pressure buildup and WHM load history
Casing Design Module
The Casing Design module analyzes casing loads, design integrity and buckling behavior under complex mechanical, fluid pressure and thermal loading conditions with standard and automatic load-case generation. Analyses may be performed in conjunction with Drill and Prod module designs.
The Casing Design module is useful for:
Comprehensive casing design and analysis
Installation and service loads
Multistring load transfer (initial conditions)
Buckling stability and post-buckling analysis with and without centralizers
Displaying the ISO ellipse with user-defined connection performance curves and ISO service load safety factors.