Novapoint is a professional, integrated, civil engineering design and construction software with a strong emphasis on infrastructure design. Developed with professional users in many countries and running on AutoCAD/Autodesk Map. Novapoint is used by road, railway, public works departments, consultants and universities in Europe and Asia. In all main markets Novapoint has been customised to meet local design and drawing standards in co-operation with local design authorities and design engineers. Since its introduction in 1988 Novapoint has consistently expanded and improved its line of software modules for civil engineers around the world.
Novapoint?is a modular based design system with a wide range of professional and integrated燙ivil Engineering applications. The following Novapoint modules are available:
The Novapoint modules are integrated and use a common data model.燭his allows a number of designers, representing different professional fields, to爓ork together using the same data set. Novapoint gives the project mangager or chief designer full control over his project in 3D. Novapoint is intutive to use and has a very short learning curve and is normally used by both designers and CAD operators. This creates a very efficient design situation and reduces the risk for errors.
Novapoint has been translated into 6 languages and燾ustomised for use in the following countries:
Novapoint is currently also in use in France, Ireland and燦igeria.