AVL Fire 2009 Win


Product View FIRE is mostly used by researchers and development engineers working in internal combustion (IC) engine engineering. It is integrated into their specific product development processes. FIRE enables users to prove the quality and performance of their work even before prototype hardware is created. Development cycles are shortened and costs are reduced, even though the number and complexity of the tasks being performed is significantly increased. FIRE Pre-processing FIRE’s major grid generation tool is FAME, a flexible, yet automated environment that provides computational models containing mainly hexahedral elements. The tool is highly efficient and delivers high quality models. Running fully automated processes as FAME Assembly and FAME Engine +, grids that have been generated using FAME can be assembled to domains of further increased complexity or they may become part of a model representing a domain with moving boundaries. That way, even inexperienced users are enabled to generate grids for geometries such as internal combustion engines with low effort. FIRE Main program The FIRE Main Program is a general fluid flow solver employing the finite volume discretization method resting on integral conservation statements applied to a general polyhedral control volume. The solver is capabale of handling models including an arbitrary number of moving boundaries. For simulating rotating elements FIRE offers sliding and Multiple Frame of Reference technology. FIRE simulations may be set up in steady or transient mode. Higher order differencing schemes and two time integration schemes are available. To solve the linear systems pre-conditioned conjugate gradient methods are applied. As Turbulence Modeling is the basis for precisely simulating most real-world applications, FIRE offers a comprehensive set of respective models: Spalart Allmaras k-e and relizable k-e Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) Hybrid Turbulence Model (HTM) k-z-f model FIRE Post-processor The FIRE Post-processor provides all functions required to monitor the solution progress and quality, to visualize, analyze and present CFD simulation results. It supports operations on three-dimensional result data by running scripts as well as macro and formula editor capabilities. It also allows importing selected AVL test bed data enabling a direct comparison of test and simulation data.


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