
DEFORM is the most widely used metal forming process simulation software worldwide! To serve our broad user base, SFTC offers a range of systems and modules to ensure that your DEFORM System meets your simulation requirements. DEFORM is used for forging, cold heading, machining, heat treatment, rolling, mechanical joining and a wide range of other applications. DEFORM offers flexible packaging to provide an optimum solution to your modeling requirements. Common system components are utilized throughout. Application-specific GUIs (graphical user interface) simplify data input and postprocessing. DEFORM-3D is a flexible and open system capable of analyzing a Cross Wedge Rollwide range of deformation, thermal and microstructural processes requiring three-dimensional modeling. DEFORM-2D is a flexible and open system capable of analyzing a wide range of deformation, thermal and microstructural processes when a two-dimensional (axisymmetric or plane strain) solution is appropriate. DEFORM-F3 is an easy-to-use three-dimensional modeling system capable of analyzing forging, cold heading, extrusion, drawing, upsetting and other common processes. DEFORM-F2 is an easy-to-use two-dimensional system capable of analyzing forging, DEFORM-3D Imagecold heading, extrusion, drawing and upsetting for axisymmetric (round) and plane strain cases.


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