GTI offers GT-SUITE, the only true "virtual engine/powertrain" platform, for integrated simulations of engine and vehicle. With over 400 customers worldwide, Gamma Technologies is the leading engine simulation software provider by a wide margin. GT-POWER, part of the GT-SUITE, is the industry standard for engine simulations.
Integrate GT-SUITE into your design process, and your organization will benefit from this unique CAE simulation tool specifically designed for applications in the engine, powertrain and vehicle industries. Find out why GT-SUITE has been adopted by practically all leading vehicle and engine makers, suppliers and engine and vehicle consulting companies.
GT-SUITE provides the ability to execute Integrated Simulations - the next frontier in CAE applications and an industry trend that is gaining in importance. Traditionally, analysts have been focusing on narrow problem areas, divided/isolated by:
* Technical areas (e.g. combustion vs. acoustics)
* Departmental boundaries
* Limitations of available software and hardware
* The resulting neglect of interactions limits the usefulness of the analysis results, and at the same time it restricts communications across teams and departments.
The GT-SUITE approach: a single comprehensive code addressing most of the needs covered today by separate codes, with the following benefits:
* Interactions between different system parts can be made as detailed as needed
* Capabilities are always automatically synchronized (single version)
* All teams use the same tool, facilitating their cooperation ("same language")
* Data sharing is streamlined (and error-free)
* Engineers share a "virtual engine/vehicle" model
* This capability is key for studies of transients
* GT-SUITE offers all this at a SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST than other solutions
GT-SUITE is a versatile multiphysics platform for constructing models of general systems based on the following underlying libraries:
* Flow library (1D and quasi-3D)
* Acoustics library (both non-linear and linear)
* Thermal Library (lumped and FEA)
* Mechanical library (kinematics, multi-body dynamics, freq.domain)
* Electric and Electromagnetic library (circuits, electromechanical devices)
* Chemistry Library (chemical kinetics)
* Controls library (signal processing)