This is a new option that permits the rapid design of steel connections in a Microstran model. After selecting the connection type at any location design data and actions are automatically transferred to a new window where you can interactively design the connection. Many connection types are available, including shear and moment connections, base plates, and hollow section truss connections. The latest models from the new ASI Connections Series are used.
Steel connection design is an extension of the steel member design option. Each connection type has default data to minimize input of design data. The connection dialog box may be displayed by right-clicking on the design member at the connection location. Any design member may have a connection at each end and a single splice at a specified distance from the start of the design member.
Microstran's virtual reality window shows the structure with the steel connections. Every detail of each connection is shown, right down to the welds and markings on the bolts. The connection dialog box can also be displayed by right-clicking on a connection in this view.