utodesk® Advance Steel 2017 provides new features and enhancements to help improve productivity and usability whilst creating your fabrication documents more easily with tools to support a connected BIM workflow.
With new connections and profiles for international suppliers, more tools for cleaner documentation, options to manage Fabrication status data, and the ability to synchronise not just the structure but also the fully parametric steel connections with Revit, not to mention the ability to publish, share and collaborate with BIM360 using native Advance Steel drawing format – and whilst remaining connected to the source Advance Steel 3D model, Autodesk® Advance Steel 2017 delivers a more mature solution to create better coordinated designs and documentation.
Whilst Autodesk® Advance Concrete 2017 provides a more robust environment for completing and detailing concrete projects with links to Autodesk® Revit® for enhanced BIM centric workflow that supports an end-to-end solution.
Advance Steel is complimented with the GRAITEC PowerPack adding more functionality and further automating common repetitive tasks. PowerPack for Advance Steel can be downloaded directly from the Autodesk App Store as a free trial.
Other complementary solutions for Advance Steel available from GRAITEC include:
Steel Structure Designer – Create, adjust and configure complete structures of all shapes and sizes in minutes.
Ball Post Railing Designer – Adding ball post railings in Advance Steel is quick and simple with this dedicated ball post railing app.
Complimentary Reinforced Concrete design and detailing tools from GRAITEC include: