Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Flex 2015


Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® Flex Cost efficiency with maximum flexibility - IT services on demand Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® Flex offers exactly what you need to optimize your costs: Capacity – when it is needed, without volume restrictions Costs – if they occur Advantages: Minimizing of investments / cost control Reduction of time exposure by parallel simulations in the cloud Combination of desktop license and cloud resources Data security through SSL encryption Worldwide access to a virtual workplace (when travelling) Support services included Conclusion: Moldflow users are able to react more flexible to incomming orders tl_files/mf_template/bilder/Produkte/Eindringtiefe-Sim360_engl.png Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® Flex (ASMF) - Access to the highest level of all Autodesk Simulation products - Adaption of CFD + Mechanics to Moldflow - Maximized flexibility: liscense with unlimited number of software accesses Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® Insight (ASMI) - Tool for detailed validation and optimization - Highest accuracy, integrated 3D technology Autodesk® Simulation Moldflow® Adviser (ASMA) - Tool for the validation of basic constructions - Dual-Domain- or 3D basic technology Autodesk® Simulation Design for Manufakturing (ASDFM) - Real time model validation during constructions - CAD integration in Inventor, SolidWorks, Pro/E (WildFire, CREO)


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