Advanced Road Design Imperial (ARD Imperial) has been developed to provide road design and outputs directly inside AutoCAD, Civil 3D and BricsCAD. Our philosophy of combining template and string based design, as well as automating common design elements such as intersections and roundabouts, provides a familiar and complete set of tools for rapid creation and output of your road subdivision, reconstruction, rural, highway and other design projects.
With the Vertical Design Windows you get complete access to any selected design element including editing the vertical design and cross sections, establish cut/fill bulking factors, generate summary volume reports and create surface models of your designs.
Multiple Dynamic Vertical Design Windows to your design and optimisation process is the ability to review multiple vertical designs and road design elements simultaneously, with all cross sections and other dependent elements updating dynamically as you make edits. Any road element can be opened into a resizable, repositionable design window allowing you to manage the interaction between related components and make informed design decisions.
Each Vertical Design Window provides direct control over the vertical design as well as the ability to review and edit cross sections for the selected design element. Advanced design tools allow you to establish a vertical design based on the existing surface levels or the vertical design of any other design element.
With a centralized design centre accessed from the Vertical Design Window you can easily edit your cross sections including assigning alignment/string controls and establishing design constraints. As you make design changes your cross sections instantly update, including recalculation of subgrades and volumes.
Get the control you want and the instant access you need using Vertical Design Windows.
Plotting and Publishing to U.S. Drafting Standards design is done – the next step is publishing it in the drawing so you can plot your tender and construction plans. ARD Imperial has all the tools you need to rapidly generate industry standard outputs of your designs directly inside the drawing, ready for immediate plotting.
With ARD Imperial you can interactively control the sheet layout, scales, layers and linetypes as well as what to present in your outputs. Plotting outputs styles can be saved for reuse - output them to separate drawings or as layouts in the current drawing.
Setout, plan plotting of the models and slope patterns are all created directly inside your drawing.
General Road Design
With dynamic interactions between elements, the ability to mix cross section and string elements and the ability to build your own models using any collection of strings and codes from your designed road elements, it is easy to generate designs for any purpose, including road subdivisions, reconstruction works, car parks, open channels and general site re-grading
Road Design for Subdivision
With ARD Imperial you can completely automate your road subdivision design processes using intelligent objects to handle common design elements such as intersections, kerb returns, cul-de-sacs, roundabouts and knuckles. returns automatically and dynamically position themselves both horizontally and vertically to the intersecting roads. Design wizards allow for user creation of single or multi radius kerb returns, or use of your own alignments. The auto kerb return function creates multiple kerb returns at once, all matched to the intersecting roads and with cross sections automatically matching between the main and side roads.
Cul-de-sac design can be parametrically driven with support for circular, asymmetric, tear-drop, Y and T shaped configurations. After setting the values ARD Imperial will lay it out horizontally and vertically to match the incoming Road and with cross sections automatically matching the road at either end.
The Roundabout tools allow the designer to quickly establish elevations around your selected island and edge of carriageway alignments to suit your intersection levels, as well as assigning cross sections to describe your internal island.
Localised road widening are easily achieved using the Knuckle tool, which creates localised widening that stay attached to the Road as you make design changes.
At the click of a button a surface model is created incorporating all the road, kerb returns, cul-de-sacs, roundabouts and knuckles including all trimming of strings at intersections and automatic inclusion of boundaries to trim the extents and hide internal areas.