autodesk Advance Steel 2018 Multilanguage


deling software for steel detailing Advance Steel detailing software is built on the AutoCAD platform. Structural engineering professionals use the software to help accelerate design, steel detailing, steel fabrication, and steel construction. Displays all standard joints available in Advance Steel. The joints are classified according to the type of the connected elements. Using the Connection Vault you can: Browse for Advance Steel connections View a sample image for the selected connection and then create the corresponding connection Group frequently accessed connections in a separate category Access the Connection Vault To access the command Ribbon: Home > Extended Modeling Extended Modeling > Joints Command line: _AstorShowGrPalette ConnectionVaultData The Design Center window is displayed. The Connection Vault window Use the buttons on the left to display the connections grouped in a category. Moving the mouse cursor over a connection from the list displays a graphical representation of the selected connection and a short description. You can resize, dock and anchor the Connection Vault. As with the tool palette, you can control the rollover behavior and customize the appearance.


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