Bricscad V11 Platinum for Windows enables 3D parametric solid modeling for users who want to work both in 2D and 3D without leaving the .dwg environment. Primitives such as box, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus and wedge are available together with extrude, revolve and sweep operations. By combining these through Boolean operations – union, subtract, intersect – the user can form complex composite solid shapes.
* X-solids captures the history of solids as they are created, allowing parametric editing of these solids at any time. Any primitive parameter can be easily changed.
* X-Tools and QuickDraw allows to form complex composite solid shapes and automatically creates and aligns 2D geometry for up to 10 views at once for easily created detail drawings.
* X-Hardware Extended 3D library with parametric objects of all kinds – nuts, bolts, screws, pins, and more – are instantly created or resized at the touch of a button.
* ACIS kernel performs fast solid modeling operations and accurate hidden line remo
Dynamic Dimensions are available while creating /editing entities. With the new DYNMODE button it can be switched ON/OFF. When moving a grip point, all related dimensions are displayed in real time and can be modified on the fly with Dynamic Input.