Define multi-surface features from the face colors
In CAMWorks 2015, multi-surface features can be inserted by selecting faces of a specific color. This is very helpful if you assign unique colors to various surfaces to be machined, and/or use color-coding as a means of communication between the design and manufacturing teams. This can also greatly reduce programming time and automate the routine task of selecting the faces required to define multi-surface features.
Color-based definition of features is one way for CAMWorks users to speed up the CNC programming time for parts that need customization.
Assign a solid model as stock in part mode
This feature allows you to use a SOLIDWORKS part file for stock in part mode. Additionally, a SOLIDWORKS configuration of the same part or a different part can now be selected as a stock item. The benefits include a reductions in programming time. A good example of this is when SOLIDWORKS configurations house Work in Process (WIP) models that can be directly selected as the stock for a machining operation.
New Operation Dialog Box has the provision to assign tool to operation
With this new features, you will get more control on the tool selection when adding Mill, Turn, or Hole operations interactively. This gives you a fast way to address the tool assignment without having to exit the operations dialog box.
New light rebuild for Turn parts
In the Turn module, you can peform a light rebuild to update the CAM data when the design changes, but the changes don't affect the automatically recognized turn features.
Improved User Experience
Use the tool crib priority option for Turn and Mill-Turn modules
When applying automatic tool selection rules, this enhancement places higher priority with the tools in the tool crib. To eliminate any chance of an oversight, CAMWorks refers to the Operation tree nodes where the appropriate tools were not found in the tool crib and had to be pulled in from the TechDB tool library.
New Posting Tab in setup dialog box
This improvement allows you to assign program numbers for setups and define all common post parameters at the setup instead of having to define these for each operation.
Define material-specific cutting parameters to tools
This new feature lets you define material-based cutting parameters for each tool within the TechDB. For users who do not use the feed and speed library, this is incredibly useful: CAMWorks 2015 will automatically select the appropriate cutting parameters based on the stock material being machined.
New TechDB features
In CAMWorks 2015, the TechDB can store the rotary and tilt axis parameters for your milling machine. Similarly for Mill-Turn machines, the Fixed or Free options can now be saved in the database eliminating repetitive steps.
Edit 2.5 Axis mill feature profiles
This new enhancement allows the interactively defined 2.5 axis features to be fully editable. The user can easily re-pick the profiles for the feature or the islands.
Apply lead in/out parameters for turn thread operations
This new improvement will help in special thread configurations like ACME threads by allowing the users to exercise control on the lead in and lead out. Lead in/out options will help avoid formation of ring at the start and the end of the threads, where there are no relief grooves.