The Most Accurate and ONLY Regenerative and Associative Formability Tool to Increase Productivity of Engineers by 70%
Identifies 90% of forming feasibility issues within minutes, to substantially reduce financial risks during product development
The most accurate and speedy formability tool from product concept to die design; pinpoint problem root causes, product versus process issues
When used as a front end to an incremental, will reduce number of incremental runs from 25 to 3
70% productivity improvement in evaluating multiple processing scenarios
The ONLY Regenerative and Associative environment for formability evaluation; simulates multiple processing scenarios in minutes with a regenerative tree
Uses the most accurate forming analysis engine and only one for tight radii
Materials database – populated by common materials; can add your own materials
Automatic Meshing - Powerful mesh generator to hide FEA complexity. Capable of filling holes, offsetting to mid-plane, and displaying undercut elements
Best in Class Skinning tool to convert from Solid into Skin, based on unique topology tool
Forming Conditions – Best in Class tools to simulate blankholder forces, drawbeads, pressure pads, pilot holes, and constraints
Curved Binder - Create or load a binder surface to create a more uniform draw depth
Springback - Determine the final part shape resulting from springback, with or without trimming
Tailor Welded Parts - Define additional materials for different areas of the part
Cut Off Dies - 7 standard blank outlines are available