ITI TranscenData CADfix v10 x64


CADfix removes barriers that prevent the reuse of solid models by providing an extensive set of geometry manipulation tools for importing CAD/CAM/CAE data, repairing it, and exporting the data in the most suitable form for reuse in the downstream system. Through a user-friendly Wizard interface, the geometry repair and preparation process ensures that the model is correctly defined and suitably flavored for the downstream application by detecting and repairing a range of CAD geometry issues. CADfix also offers model de-featuring utilities which are very popular with CAE analysis users who require automated de-featuring operations (i.e. joining or collapsing of short edges and small faces, removing fillets and rounds, removing holes, etc.). CADfix is packaged as a desktop or server solution with extensible modular functionality dependent upon the source and target systems of the end user. The application may be integrated into PLM or workflow automation tools. CADfix also serves as a pre-processor for custom geometric translation, repair, de-featuring and meshing tools for proprietary, CAE-centric OEM applications. CADfix offers numerous translation, healing & repair advantages: Multiple CAD imports Batch processing Intelligent model quality diagnostics and repair Automatic processing Wizards User-controlled model defeaturing Interactive fixing tools Multiple CAD/CAE exports The CADfix workflow accommodates novice, occasional and experienced users. Translations and repairs requiring manual intervention can be completed with minimal effort: Diagnostic results are explained and illustrated in clear, accessible language Problems are color-coded according to severity Users are guided through a choice of solutions Model diagnostics are automatically updated after each repair


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