Depocam v13


Release notes for DEPOCAM version 13.0.09 2743 : Increased time-lapse for network dongle checks. This improves performance at some sites. 3632 : Updated GPOST to V6.6P15. Fixes rotation issue. 3662 : Post processor: The Heidenhain drilling cycle, Cycl def 205 now outputs: "Second Surface Z Height Prefix" (Q379), which is 0.0. "Pre position feedrate prefix" ~(Q253), with the feedrate defined in the cutting parameters. Also reordered a couple of lines, so the Q values are the same order as the Heidenhain documentation. Key Features Easy handling Minimal training required Directly usable in the workshop or the CAM office Fast calculation of efficient, reliable toolpaths for even the most complex geometries with highly sophisticated surface High-speed machining strategies, optimized driving directions Immediate graphical representation and simulation of toolpaths 3 + 2-axis milling and drilling 5-axis simultaneous milling, 5-axis milling dodge Visualized processing models Machine Simulation Full collision checking of tool and tool holder Pro/ENGINEER- and associativity with SolidWorks data Batch Processing Repeat sequence of work by macro technology Multi-threaded architecture, parallel processing (Multiple processors and Hyper-Threading)


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