SolidThinking Suite 2016.5384 Win64
solidThinking Inspire enables design engineers, product designers, and architects to create and investigate structurally efficient concepts quickly and easily. Traditional structural simulations allow engineers to check if a design will support the required loads. Inspire enhances this process by generating a new material layout within a package space using the loads as an input. The software is easy to learn and works with existing CAD tools to help design structural parts right the first time, reducing costs, development time, material consumption, and product weight.
The latest release of Inspire, 'Inspire 2016' introduces multiple new enhancements including:
PolyNURBS Toolset
Results Comparisons
New Load Types
Surface Optimizations
solidThinking Evolve allows industrial designers to develop forms faster, using either Windows or Mac OS X. It enables you to capture an initial sketch, explore styling alternatives, and visualize products with realistic renderings generated in real time. Evolve provides organic surface modeling and parametric control, with NURBS-based surfaces and solids and a unique ConstructionTree history feature. It frees designers from the constraints of engineering-oriented CAD tools, while allowing the export of digital models required by others in the product development process.
Click2Cast is a casting process simulation software that allows the user to enhance and optimize their manufactured components. Click2Cast helps users avoid typical casting defects such as air entrapment, porosity, cold shots, etc. thanks to the simple and quick mold filling simulation. Click2Cast offers an innovative user experience allowing the complete simulation to be done in 5 simple steps and through a completely new and user-friendly interface.
Key Benefits:
Early simulation
Avoid iterations between design and production
5-step casting simulation
Quick iterations
Test different mold design possibilities with a few intuitive button clicks
Limited investment
High ROI
Keep know-how in-house
No outsourcing necessary