How to Install Service Pack Patches for PowerINSPECT
Bug fixes and new connection protocols for PowerINSPECT are distributed in the form of Service Packs. These can be installed by either running a complete
installation kit or by running a patch program to update computers that already have the appropriate version of PowerINSPECT installed on them.
This document describes how to use Service Pack patch programs.
Bug fixes and new connection protocols for PowerINSPECT are distributed in the form of Service Packs. These can be installed
by either running a complete installation kit or byrunning a patch program to update computers that already have the
appropriate version of PowerINSPECT installed on them.
Before running a PowerINSPECT Service Pack patch program, first ensure that all Delcam software has been shut down on your
computer. If you are not sure whether you have any Delcam software running then restart your computer before running the
patch program. You must also be logged into Windowsusing an account that has administrator rights.
PowerINSPECT Service Pack patch programs are supplied as a pair of executable files for 32-bit and 64-bit installations
respectively. For example, the patch program for PowerINSPECT 2015 R2 (64-bit) Service Pack 2 is named
"Delcam_PowerINSPECT_2015_R2_SP2_Patch_64bit_201507.exe". Before running the program, first copy it toa hard-drive on
your computer. For example, copy it to your desktop.
Run the PowerINSPECT patch program from the location you have copied it to on your computer. If you are using Windows 7 or
later you will see a window similar to the one below:
Press the Yes button to allow the patch program to be run. You should then see a window similar to theone show below:
When you press the OK button on the message box youwill see the Service Pack patch progress. When it is finished you
should see a message confirming that the patch has successfully updated your PowerINSPECT installation, similar to the one
shown below:
If you do not see a message similar to the one shown above then it is likely that the Service Pack patch has failed. In this case
you should contact your local sales representative for assistance.