DFMPro is a CAD integrated Design for Manufacturability & Assembly (DFM/A) solution which allows the designer to check his designs for producibility. DFMPro assists design engineers in identifying features of a design which are difficult, expensive and impossible to manufacture, at the design stage itself. This helps in avoiding downstream issues which impact cost, quality and time to market. DFMPro covers various commonly used manufacturing processes like machining (milling, turning, drilling), injection molding, casting, sheet metal fabrication and assembly.
Today design engineers spend around 30% or higher on rework due to an iterative product development process which impacts costs and time to market. Organizations typically have manual design review processes which include filling checklists, referring handbooks, one to one discussions etc. which differ from department to department. Most of these manual checks are time consuming and error prone. DFMPro tackles this problem by automating the review process within the CAD environment itself, so that the designer can take corrective action without multiple rounds of design iterations.
DFMPro provides pre-configured as well as custom design guidelines and global best practices in the industry in the form of rules. The rules are derived from design handbooks and guidelines from industry associations. The rules take into account various Design for 'X' (DFX) issues which typically occur later in product lifecycle such as serviceability, assembly etc. The existing set of rules can be easily customized as per the organization specific standard.