1. Open "ptc_licfile.dat" in text editor and replace 00-00-00-00-00-00 in every-feature with your real ptc_hostid (real ptc-hostid of your computer is shown in left bottom coner of PTC installer window).
2. Save edited "ptc_licfile.dat" on your computer
3. Create system environment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=
4. Install PTC Creo 3.0 M010. In Licensing window if there is no path to ptc_licfile.dat in field "License Summary > Source" just drug-and drop ptc_licfile.dat in that field
5. Run "PTC_Creo_Patcher_0.1_SSQ.exe" (on Vista/Win7/Win8 computers be sure to run it as Administrator).
Click "Look For..", browse to M010Common Files (by default C:Program FilesPTCCreo 3.0M010Common Files) and click "Look For.." once again
Click "Start" and wait for patcher info window "All files seem to be patched. Enjoy!"
Click "OK"
6. If you have installed PTC Creo 3.0 M010 Distributed Services Manager
Click "Look For..", browse to (by default C:Program FilesPTCCreo 3.0Distributed Services Manager) and click "Look For.." once again
Click "Start" and wait for patcher info window "All files seem to be patched. Enjoy!"
Click "OK"
7. 7. If you have installed Mathcad Prime 3.0 M010
Click "Look For..", browse to (by default C:Program FilesPTCMathcad Prime 3.0) and click "Look For.." once again