Camworks 2010 SP2.2


CAMWorks is a SolidWorks® Certified Gold Product for Manufacturing/CAM Software that provides state-of-the-art machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into the award winning SolidWorks design software. As the first CAM solution to offer true knowledge-based machining capabilities, CAMWorks leads the way in advancements in Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) and Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR). CAMWorks offers true associative machining automatically accommodating changes to the part model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates. 3 Axis Mlling includes 2.5 axis capabilities plus routines to machine complex, contoured surfaces routinely encountered in mold making and aerospace applications. CAMWorks 3 Axis cycles are developed for speed, accuracy and efficient memory usage. Simple and complex parts can be cut quickly and accurately with a high quality toolpath. Some of the features are below. * All 3 Axis Cutting Cycles: o Can be modified to stay contained within an area or to avoid an area o Provide interactive and automatic methods for defining contain and avoid areas o Have retract options to reduce travel distance between retract and reentry moves o Can generate high-speed toolpaths with no sharp corners o Can generate toolpaths with ball, flat, hog nose, tapered ball, tapered flat, or tapered hog nose tools o Allow user defined start and end Z depths o Can have separate XY and Z stock allowances o Allow contain and avoid areas to be defined with different tool side conditions for On, Upto and Past o Allow contain and avoid areas to have multiple closed areas o Allow avoid areas to be defined such that the tool will machine over the avoid area o Provide the ability to generate toolpaths as separate threads and in separate processes. Multiple toolpaths will generate simultaneously and at the same time the user can continue working in other areas or on other CAM models.


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