R&B MoldWorks 2014 SP0 for SolidWorks 2013-2016
Component Position
Improvements include the ability to position components (with a single sketch)
in different areas of a start face which may penetrate different instances and
parts (which are not instances).
Edit Component Position
This menu has been completely rewritten to work with the new Look & Feel of
the component dialogues. The components are previewed and the mold parts
are displayed as transparent.
Duplicate to Instances
This check box has been reintroduced to the Componentdialogue to allow
components to not be duplicated when penetrating instances.
Components cutting components
Components cutting other components i.e. screws in support pillars are now
codified as belonging to the group to which the component being cut belongs.
Before they did not belong to any group and so were not displayed when
displaying a specific group of plates.
New Complementary components
Complementary components are components which are positioned using
other components and inherit the other components positioning and diameters
or lengths as is applicable (i.e. spring on ejector).
We have added Springson Shoulder Screwsand Screwson Interlocking
This menu from the RHM button on a component suppresses and
unsuppresses components and component holes.
Shoulder Screw
This component has been fixed to take into account the parameters for Type
2 and Type 3 as well as general debugging.
Shoulder Ejector
Instead of Ejector pin we changed the name to Shoulder ejector which seems
to be the popular name. You may have to change the name of the Ejector pin
in the Optionstab under the Utilitiesdialogue to reflect this change.
Heat Exchange
The Typeand Thread standardparameters have been modified in all the
relevant dialogues. Typeappears before Thread standardso that only
existingtypes for a specific catalogue will be selectable and only existing
Thread standards for the type selected will be in its drop down list. This will
prevent messages of types or thread standards not existing etc.
A Collisionsection has been added to the Cycledialogue and as a default
option in the Heat Exchange Settingsto check for thin walls according to a
given safety distance. Pipes in collision with component holes or plates/insert
boundaries will be displayed in red.
Settings the actual component type and thread standard can now be preset
for the automatic component selection at the boundary faces of the
New iconon the Offsetmenu in the Componentsection to cause the
component to be flush to the part face.
Cancellingedit of Heat Exchange positioning sketchrestores previous view
O-ring sizein preview is corrected.
Transparency/Opaque Plates
Added to the top of the tree on the RHM button menu to display all the
displayed plates as transparent. Useful to be able to see the components
through all the plates with one click.
User Defined Materials
User can now add his own material definitions to choose from in the BOM
concerning componentsand insertsetc. (not for plates which are defined in
the catalogues) using the external moldworks.inifile defined under the
c:R&BMoldWorksUser folder.
Delete MoldWorks Data
Deletes all the MoldWorks data from a mold assembly so that you can add it
to an existing MoldWorks mold without corrupting the data.
We have increased performance significantly by preventing non-essential
We have added the Italian mold catalogue TVMPto our list of European
catalogues including all the series and configurations.
Most of the other catalogues have been modified and corrected according to
problems reported by customers or from the QA team.
Attribute Units
The unit for the material attributes (including the decimal precision) is taken
from the assembly precision definition during the creationof the mold part.
We have improved the transparency function used with MoldWorks menus
(i.e. Add Componentand Heat Exchange). Original part colors are not
corrupted or change