SolidWorks 2015 SP2.1 Full Multilanguage


SolidWorks is the core of an integrated set of enterprise automation, through which the support of the product life cycle in accordance with the concept of CALS-technologies, including bi-directional data exchange with other Windows-based applications and the creation of online documentation. Depending on the class of tasks customers are three basic configuration: SolidWorks, SolidWorks Professional and SolidWorks Premium. SolidWorks is the CAD developer SolidWorks Corp. (USA), an independent division of Dassault Systemes (France) - the world leader in high-tech software. Development of SolidWorks Corp. characterized by high levels of quality, reliability and productivity, which in combination with qualified support SolidWorks makes the best decision for the industry. SolidWorks Integrated solutions based on advanced technologies of hybrid parametric modeling and a wide range of specialized modules. The software operates on Windows, has the support of the Russian language, and, accordingly, supports the Standard and ESKD. Service Pack 2.0 SOLIDWORKS MBD SOLIDWORKS MBD is available in Service Pack 2.0. For more information on SOLIDWORKS MBD, see the SOLIDWORKS Web site. SOLIDWORKS Electrical Documentation The SOLIDWORKS Electrical documentation is now available in all languages including English, Czech, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, and Spanish. SOLIDWORKS Composer SOLIDWORKS Composer supports batch output of vector images. Also, when creating views, you can define a template for view names. ScanTo3D Direct integration between ScanTo3D and NextEngine scanning software (ScanStudio) is discontinued. The NextEngine Scan menu option is removed from Tools > ScanTo3D. The NextEngine file types nzip, nxm, and scn are removed. NextEngine scanner users can generate scan files in other scan file formats and import them into SOLIDWORKS.


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