vailable as a separately purchased product that can be used in SOLIDWORKS® Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Copy Tree Enhancements
The Copy Tree dialog box has been redesigned and enhanced to improve usability and make it easier to work with large data sets.
Duplicate File Name Warnings
SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM warns users when they try to add files to the vault that have the same names as existing vault files. In previous releases, the software warned users when they attempted to check in the files.
Microsoft Office Add-in
The Microsoft Office Add-in adds an Enterprise PDM ribbon to Microsoft Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint®. From the ribbon, users can perform vault operations and display information about the file open in the Microsoft Office application.
Move Tree
The Move Tree lets you move partial or entire file and folder structures, including related drawings, to another folder or to multiple folders.
Parallel Approval Data Mapping
An administrator can configure SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM to capture user and system data for each user who participates in a parallel approval process.
Predefined Transition Action Comments
To provide better information to users about file versions, administrators can add predefined transition comments for automatic transitions and transition actions that set variables or increment revisions.
Rollback Enhancements
Rolling back a file now resets the revision counter to match the revision label. Previously, the counter was not changed resulting in out-of-sequence revisions. You can also add comments that appear in the file's history when performing a rollback operation.
Separate Move and Delete Permissions
To provide more granular administrative control of user permissions, Enterprise PDM provides separate Move and Delete permissions for files and folders.
SolidNetWork License Manager
SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM 2015 now uses the SolidNetWork License (SNL) Manager to manage licenses. In previous versions, licensing was controlled inside the SQL database.
User Interface Changes
Many of the common user interfaces and system icons have been enhanced to provide a better user experience.
Version Number Column in Windows Explorer
To improve cache management and awareness, you can view version information in the Windows Explorer and Search tool file lists.
Visibility of Private State Files
To make it easier to coordinate file names and project work, administrators can give users and groups permission to see files that are in the private state. These are files that other users have added to the vault, but have not yet checked in.
Web2 Client
Web2 client is a Web client that lets users connect to an Enterprise PDM vault from most devices with an Internet browser. Web2 client is beneficial for external and internal users who are not connected to their office network or have an unsupported operating system.