• CAMTRAX 2010 for Solidworks

    CAMTRAX 2010 是Solidworks的凸轮设计插件,可以设计圆柱凸轮,盘形凸轮,直线凸轮,主运动可分顺时针、逆时 针(或从左到右、从右到左),推杆与凸轮保持接触形式可选沟槽式、外廓接触、内廓接触,从动件 可选对心直动推杆、偏心直动推杆、摆动推杆。可自定义从动件运动规律,载荷数据。 可选的凸轮运动规律有: (1)凸轮不动 (2)简谐运动规律 (3).....
    Language : English Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-11-05 Size: 6.2MB
  • Logopress3 2009 SP1.1 for SolidWorks Win32@Win64

    We’ve spent a number of months researching 3D die design packages for SolidWorks. After careful evaluation, we have chosen Logopress3 based on several important factors. A few key factors include: Easy to use and therefore short learning curve It keeps SolidWorks features intact Straight for.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-10-21 Size: 189.8MB
  • 3DQuickMold SP1.0 for SolidWorks 2008-2009

    3DQuickMold 2008 is a professional plastic mold design solution.To solve very complicated plastic mold design problem is the prime objective of developing 3DQuickMold. 3DQuickMold follows the industrial practices and use the same workflow in mold shops. The ease of use and powerful mold design ca.....
    Language : English Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-10-08 Size: 195MB
  • SheetWorks 10 SP4.5 For Solidwork

    Both "Sheetworks for Design" and "Sheetworks Unfold" extend the capabilities of SolidWorks with sheet metal industry specific knowledge and capabilities. SheetWorks- Design “SheetWorks for Design” is an Add-In to Solid Works SheetMetal. This add-in enhances and extends SolidWorks sheet metal d.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-09-26 Size: 271MB
  • IMOLD EDM V9 SP2 For SolidWork

    IMOLD EDM v9 is an automated module for designing and managing electrodes and their holders to assist the manufacturing of detailed and hard to machine features on mold nad press tools.Electrode design can be one of the most complex and time consuming task for any mold or die maker. IMOLD EDM off.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2009-09-24 Size: 89MB

    br />IMOLD V9 is not only SolidWorks 2009 ready but both 32 and 64 bit ready which, is yet another solid demonstration of Manusoft’s intent to ensure that it is ahead of competition. Beyond the label and specifications, IMOLD V9 is engineered to reduce design time of mold designers worldwide w.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2009-09-24 Size: 146MB
  • Imold 2009 v9 SP3 for Solidworks Win64

    ;Manusoft Technologies today unveiled IMOLD V9, the latest version with new and exciting user driven enhancements of its leading Computer-aided Mold Design (CAMD) software, IMOLD.IMOLD V9 aims to bridge the gaps between mold design and manufacturing through its new functions. With the new version re.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-09-24 Size: 149MB
  • GearTrax 2009 For Solidwork

    GearTrax 2009 For Solidwork 中英文版正式发布。GearTrax provides the designer with an easy to use tool for creating solid models of drive components. Create spur, helical, straight bevel and involute splines with true involute tooth profiles. GearTrax is intuitively easy to use for the designer .....
    Language : Muilanguage Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2009-09-04 Size: 10MB
  • Camtrax 2009 For SolidWorks

    GearTrax 2009是一个可以方便地设计实体齿轮的SolidWorks插件。它可以建立光滑的渐开线齿廓。 ..
    Language : English Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2009-09-04 Size: 6MB
  • SurfaceWorks 6.9 For SolidWorks

    SurfaceWorks is an add-on product to SolidWorks Corporation's 3D solid modeling application which synergistically combines solid and surface modeling for mechanical engineering and industrial design. SurfaceWorks enables SolidWorks users to model surfaces which would be difficult or impossible to m.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2009-03-12 Size: 48MB
  • MoldWorks2008 SP1.0 for SolidWorks Win32

    MoldWorks 2008 SP1 includes RTI catalogue and support for Vista..
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-09-07 Size: 134MB
  • CircuitWorks 9 SP21 For SolidWorks

    CircuitWorks for SolidWorks is a bi-directional IDF and PADS file interface for the SolidWorks 3D CAD system. CircuitWorks adds in to SolidWorks and allows it to read and write the industry standard IDF 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0 format files produced by Electrical CAD (ECAD) systems used for Printed Circuit B.....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-07-20 Size: 10MB
  • MechWorks DBWorks Standalone 2007 2.4

    ,English Description:::::: DBWorks for SolidWorks(r) is the file management tool of thousands of SolidWorks users. The highest level of integration assures full usage of all SolidWorks functionality and preservation of design intent. DBWorks supports all SolidWorks(r) complex document dependencies. .....
    Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-06-06 Size: 134MB

    img height="186" alt="3DQUICKPRESS 3.2.9" width="380" src="http://www.ict-sz.com.cn/image3/3dqp.jpg" /> ::::::English Description:::::: 3D is the only solution to reduce mistakes, while also allowing clear communication and collaboration of the progressive die design that is unachievable in the 2D w.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-05-29 Size: 408MB
  • Logopress3 2008 SP0.3 For SolidWorks

    English Description:::::: LOGOPRESS3: Experience the power Logopress introduces you to the best solution for designing progressive dies. Have a look at some of its key functions: · Unfolding / Unstamping · Strip layout design · Powerful and customizable feature to define an.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-04-23 Size: 134MB

    ::::::English Description::::::The IMOLD V8 is SolidWorks 2008 ready which is yet another solid demonstration of Manusoft’s intent to ensure that it is ahead of the competition. Beyond the label and specifications, IMOLD V8 is engineered to attract the attention and imagination of the mold des.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-04-04 Size: 163MB
  • Solidworks COSMOSM 2008 SP2.1 WIN64

    ::::::English Description:::::: One of the most comprehensive and sophisticated analysis packages available, COSMOS 2008 Win64M?offers a tremendous range of analysis capabilities, including: Modeling, meshing and visualization of parts as well as assemblies. Comprehensive analysis capabilities: st.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-02-27 Size: 58MB
  • SplitWorks 2008 SP0 For SolidWorks

    face="Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular" size="2">SplitWorks® is a revolutionary new product, using advanced technology, to automate the process of core and cavity separation and creation for the plastic molding, blow molding, sheet metal (progressive dies, bending), aluminum injectin.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 21MB
  • MoldWorks 2008 SP0 for SolidWorks

    href="http://www.rnbusa.com/images/cap_mold_assembly-small.gif">::::::English Description::::::MoldWorks® is the premier 3D solid-based mold design application that delivers innovative, intuitive intelligent design tools for the injection molding industry. Incorporates process-specific knowl.....
    Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 123MB
  • SplitWorks 2008 SP0 x64 For SolidWorks

    SplitWorks X64是一款革命性CAD软件。使用先进的技术,自动化处理部件核心和腔体分离与制作,主要用于塑料成型、流体成型、片状金属(冲模、弯形)、铝制品喷注、投资铸件、陶业蜡体成型等。::::::English Description::::::SplitWorks® X64 is a revolutionary new product, using advanced technology, to automate the pr.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 21MB
  • ElectrodeWorks 2008 SP0 For SolidWorks

    ElectrodeWorks是用于SolidWorks中设计电子电路有关的插件。::::::English Description::::::ElectrodeWorks™ is the latest option to be incoporated within SplitWorks enabling you to design electrodes from a standard user extendable parametric shape holder library to supply the increasing need of .....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 18MB
  • ElectrodeWorks 2008 SP0 x64 For SolidWorks

    ElectrodeWorks WIN64是用于SolidWorks中设计电子电路有关的插件。::::::English Description::::::ElectrodeWorks™ WIN 64 is the latest option to be incoporated within SplitWorks enabling you to design electrodes from a standard user extendable parametric shape holder library to supply the increa.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 18MB
  • MoldWorks 2008 SP0 x64 for SolidWorks

    MoldWorks 2008一款为SOLIDWORKS设计的模具设计和分析软件。::::::English Description::::::MoldWorks® 2008 is the premier 3D solid-based mold design application that delivers innovative, intuitive intelligent design tools for the injection molding industry. Incorporates process-specific knowl.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 122MB
  • Solidworks COSMOSFloWorks 2008 SP2.1 WIN64

    COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Win64是一个最初专门针对SolidWorks用户开发的流体模拟工具,它可让用户深入了解零件或装配体与浸润固件或周围固件之间的流体、传热和受力情况。 这是唯一与SolidWorks完全集成的流体仿真产品。COSMOSFloWorks 2008 Win64使用起来极为简便;您只需向软件表明自己关注的内容,而不必将分析设计目标转换为.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 76MB
  • Solidworks COSMOSMotion 2008 SP2.1 Win64

    COSMOSMotion 2008 Win64是完全内嵌SolidWoks中去的虚拟样机软件包,它能确保不制造样机而对所设计产品的功能有全面的了解。  由于得到ADAMS公司(工业界长达20多年的领导者)在技术上的强力支持,COSMOSMotion 2008 Win64允许用户定义马达/动力装置的大小、确定功率消耗、安排机构布局、设定凸轮、推算齿轮驱动、定义弹簧/阻.....
    Language : English Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2008-02-26 Size: 45MB