Siemens.CD-Adapco.Battery Design Studio.12.02.011.Win64


Siemens.CD-Adapco.BDS.12.02.011.Win64 Battery Design StudioВ® can be used for all design types of battery cells (batch, cylindrical and prismatic cells) and allows you to take into account all aspects of design for the initial calculation of the volume, weight and specific power of the structure. The comprehensive user interface helps the user to set the parameters of the battery cells, including electrode parameters, chemical conditions, the installation of contact connections and the external housing, and develop a full-fledged battery model. After creating a cell model, you can simulate its operation during a certain test cycle or a certain load cycle in order to understand the cell's limiting factors. These factors are determined by simulation results showing the process of changing internal quantities, such as, for example, the concentration of lithium, inside the battery cell. Such a study helps to find a solution for improving the battery cell, and a cost / benefit analysis will help to understand if this solution is worthwhile. The cell model can be imported into STAR-CCM + using the Battery Simulation Module for detailed flow analysis, thermal and electrochemical conditions of the battery. For more information about the module, go to the STAR-CCM + -> Additional modules page. Battery Design StudioВ® can also be used as a neutral environment for comparing battery performance of different manufacturers. The software contains converters (converters) for all popular formats, allowing to present all data in the usual format. The software also has many special tools for analyzing the battery, for example, Voltage vs. The degree of battery charge, etc.


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