

Siemens.NX.11.0.Topology.Optimization.for.Designers NX 11.0.1 simplifies and shortens the design process. We will start off by discussing the new functionality in NX 11.0.1 for modeling, then we will move into annotation, discuss process and industry-specific applications, and wrap up by talking about the changes in the architecture of NX itself. Modeling Topology Optimization is an exciting new functionality in NX 11.0.1. This technology has been around for many years, but the commercial implementations have been limited to CAE analysts. For this reason, topology optimization has primarily been used at the end of the design cycle to optimize a previous design. By enabling CAD users and designers to access Topology Optimization, it can be applied early in the design cycle. This saves time and design cycles and makes for a more robust final product. Siemens is partnering with Frustum, Inc. for the core technology, which is integrated into NX. topology_opt2.png The user is not required to be a CAE expert; they need only understand basic loads and constraints. There is no need for meshing either. The design is optimized based on its functional requirements. To define these, the user can designate keep in or keep out volumes such as the box you see in this image. Cylindrical and counter-bore holes can be designated with things like socket clearance. Manufacturing constraints, finite element loads and constraints, and stiffness and mass objectives can all be assigned before optimization, along with material. The result is a highly smoothed, organic shape, though there will be sharp edges if they are required. The optimized design can be used downstream for additive manufacturing. In addition, the design can be modified using Convergent Modeling. Wireframe and surfacing are important tools for geometry creation, and NX 11.0.1 delivers enhancements that give you more options and better information to help you diagnose geometry issues. You now have the option to trim curves to face boundaries, increasing their versatility. In addition, you can trim multiple curves in one operation, select which region you want to keep or remove, and preview the results. This especially helps when trimming multiple curves at once. A new option in the Offset Curve command allows you to use a pass-through point, or a point where a curve intersects the surface, as the basis for an offset curve created from the edge of the surface. This enables you to make a smarter model that better reflects the design intent. self_int.png A warning is generated when a self-intersecting surface is created, either during creation or editing of the feature. Displayed in the part navigator, this warning allows you to quickly find and diagnose problem geometry so that you can fix it before it causes further issues. This capability adds more options for the designer to incorporate nuances of their technique in surface and curve creation which enables more flexibility and less restriction in their workflow. Blending has been and continues to be a key part of model design. In NX 11.0.1, edge blending has new capabilities to support unique use cases, like putting a large blend over a smaller one in an area with steps and cases where you have a tapered cylinder close to a tapered wall. In variable radius blends, through-points are now associative, the display is improved, and you can drag a variable radius point anywhere along the edge chain, not just the segment where it was created. These changes mean that you can quickly create blends that will robustly adapt to changes in the design and suit your manufacturing requirements. The major enhancement in Face Blends for NX 11.0.1 is the option to select Feature Intersection Edges under selection intent. This enables you to use a face blend on a feature where a shared or common edge is the result of a Boolean operation. This means that the blend will update more quickly and adapt better to model changes. This functionality is applicable to many instances where we need the capability to blend our surfaces to one another, with options for aesthetic and function blending for ease of downstream operations like casting or machining. Draft allows cast and molded parts to be released from a mold and is a critical step in designing parts that are easy to manufacture. In NX 11.0.1, new Draft Body capabilities let you create complex drafts to parting surfaces without resorting to manual methods or workarounds. What used to take 25 steps now takes one, a massive savings in time. Creating overlapping draft is faster and easier, as well. Tool tips provide improved user guidance, reducing the learning curve, and it’s easier to diagnose failures, as The Combine command in NX 11.0.1 is a revolutionary new way of trimming surfaces. It allows you to combine multiple sheet bodies into a single solid body in a single operation. You have the option to select which regions to keep and remove. This functionality, which used to take multiple operations to do, not only adapts more robustly to changes and updates, it’s at least 5 times faster than the old method. It reduces the number of steps required to create a solid body and adds value for all users creating complex shape designs utilizing multiple sheets.


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