

We are pleased to inform you that fixes are available for the problems listed below. A maintenance pack (MP6), built for installation on top of Windows64 and Linux64 images of NX 9.0.3, can now be downloaded from the Siemens PLM Download Server. This release provides: Important PR fixes. New Manufacturing functionality. Note: Some of the new NX CAM features are available only upon request through the CAM Early Adopter Program. In order to learn more about these pre-release features and how you can access them, please contact your local Siemens PLM GTAC support group. New CMM Inspection functionality. After installing this MP, please read the “What’s New in NX 9.0.3 MP2” section of the NX 9 Help documentation. New Routing Stock orientation enhancement. Please see the NX903MP6_WhatsNew_Routing.pdf file in the distribution package (zip/tar). This maintenance pack addresses the issues associated with the PR numbers and short descriptions listed in the tables below. Release PR Number Problem Description MP1 1884853 Feature recognition fails for specific part MP1 1900620 Retract Move damaged the Workpiece but NX does not realize this MP1 1906637 CUTCOM/OFF is missing when working with retract type point MP1 1920336 planar milling, smoothing - giving duplicate points in output MP1 1922003 IPW Collision happened when additional Finish Pass is set in Cavity Mill MP1 1924333 In Cavity Milling the Tool Gouge the Part MP1 1943631 Cavity Mill error message: Put to Grid Attempted on out of range coordinate MP1 1943641 Contour violation with transfer move in a Z-Level-operation MP1 1944066 CAM Tool path regression on certain rough groove part MP1 1945482 User Defined Mill Tool gives illegal instruction with 21 or more sections w/ TCM MP1 1947747 Put to Grid Attempted... Error generating cavity mill operation MP1 1948175 wrong value for area by using Area using Curves Analysis method MP1 1949961 Tool gouges part during engage movement MP1 1950109 No gouged motions found, but it exist MP1 1950253 Put To Grid Error on ZLevel Profile MP1 1951032 Selection filter is lost MP1 1951641 Milling IPW Transfer not out of date MP1 1952111 Tool with ICO+Item but without PRT File comes up with the select Template Part MP1 1953212 Generic motion feed rate problem MP1 1955487 Wrong calculation of milling paths using Zlevel profile MP1 1956872 Creating Non-Orthogonal and Left Hand Coordinate Systems should not be Possible MP1 1963841 In a Thread-Op.the Start- and End-Point of the Crest-Line missed MP1 1964013 TDM tool search starts each time when running the FBM Create feature process MP1 1964593 Java API accepts Datum letters not valid for DMIS in dialogs MP1 1964854 Tool Start Position not equal when changing Cut Pattern to ZIG or ZIGZAG MP1 1966486 mom_motion_type in WEDM-Post changed between NX7.5 and NX8.5 from Retract-Point MP1 1969677 4-Ax WEDM Geometry and Lead In Point is wrong after update to NX8.5.3.3 MP1 1969852 BOM-View does not show any used Tool on a Sub-Carrier and Sub-Pocket (Device) MP1 1971484 CSE turning tool simulation fails for B-head turning tool path MP1 1975875 NX9 subtracts works different than NX6 subtracts. Problems in CAD and CAM TURNING MP1 1976299 Error 3295016 (Error while creating spun outline) inside Simulation with RMU MP1 1978545 NX CAM turning testcut retract position MP1 1978569 Turning test cut mom_turn_test_cut_measuring_position MP1 1979574 UF_CAMGEOM_append_items doesnt run with NX 8.5.3 MP3 MP1 1979671 Unable to open a NX Cam Part MP1 1981569 GEOG - UF_CAMGEOM_append_items doesn’t run with NX 8.5.3 MP3 MP1 1981698 Turning & simulation with cutcom contact/Tracking Data is not correct MP1 1981846 Gouge Issue in Z-LEVEL 5 Axis when Tool Offset Insertion is Defined in Holder MP1 1982582 Holemaking - Wrong order of operations MP1 1983487 custom attributes in tooldata for export tools disturbs NX Tool Creation MP1 1986220 Creating Operation within a Hole Making group operations needs to be generated MP1 1986319 CAM: Machining Feature Navigator do not show the correct Operation Status MP1 1986575 CAM: Cannot post process after delete setup MP1 1987520 Edit Work Section is grayed out by verifying a complete Program-Group MP1 1987558 Attempt to save bad pointer, save aborted after replacing a subcomponent. MP1 1988141 Internal error for Z-Level Operation MP1 1989196 Deselect Boundary Entities MP1 1989404 Don’t change value when I choose Inherited from Local in Part Side Stock. MP1 1989496 Wire EDM 4-axis doesn’t follow the upper profile correct. MP1 1989750 Update display issues when electing boundaries MP1 1990345 Rough Offset generates a bad result with offset value over 80mm MP1 1991847 Linked Part Module cannot be updated MP1 1991940 Failed to open NX8.5 file in NX9.0.2 MP1 1992030 Opening CAM Template parts in NX9.0.2 fails with internal error MP1 1992703 CAM Verify_3D-Dynamic_with 3D-Tool_assembly and Circle_Motion MP1 1992860 Sequence shows a wrong movement MP1 1993072 KF Adopted Composite Curve remains out-of-date when changing input curve MP1 1993262 Bug in post builder 9.0.2 MP1 1993352 NX Partfile does not open MP1 2183907 FASC; Radial drive method; negative stepover value locks NX and O/S MP1 2215793 Error Put to Grid Attempted on out of range coordinate when generate toolpath MP1 2222131 Wavy NC path generated in Cavity Mill and Zlevel in NX8.5 MP1 2226317 Wavy NC path generated in Zlevel in NX8.5 MP1 2226899 wrong result from trimming tool path MP1 2231584 Unable to update toolpath after modify threaded hole MP1 2231996 Engage motion does not pass along the Start/Drill Point specified. MP1 2233755 Error difference occurs with incremental output in NX8.5 MP1 2233842 Error Put to Grid Attempted on out of range coordinate when generate toolpath MP1 2234131 WEDM Tool path collision occurs with Roll Around. MP1 2234145 WEDM : Tool path cannot be generated with Wire Tool. MP1 2235224 Specifying a Lead in Point raises Encountered unexpected NULL pointer error. MP1 2235667 Display Option Tool fails to run Verify with an error. MP1 2236039 URG Error difference occurs with incremental output in NX8.5 MP1 2236229 Unable to open part with Internal Error: Memory access violation error message MP1 2237863 WEDM Open Profile returns a Null Tag Error after Geometry modification. MP1 2239010 EWCS is gone when open the file in NX8.5 MP1 2239910 Unable to open a part with error An invalid tag was passed to the tag module MP1 2241684 Arc engage changed for Zlevel TP on cylinder from 853.3 MP1 2242048 NX report shortest tool show Unknown error when we select the check geometry MP1 2242501 Reload List from Parent does not work. MP1 2242506 Copy Display is grayed out when Verify is run from MB3-Tool Path. MP1 2242967 Tool path is not generated with warning message when Lead in Distance is set 0. MP1 2243334 Only Cut Along Wall and Floor does not work correctly. MP1 2243523 Maximum Distance of stepover is not updated from Set Machining Data. MP1 2244378 NX9.0.2 crashing after saving NX data which was previously created in NX7.5 MP1 6413560 Gouge Check fails to report tool gouge during rapid move MP1 6449862 Cavity Mill operation plunges into the part during a region transfer MP1 6563069 engage move created with add finish passes collides with the IPW MP1 6623101 NCM Transfer using Lowest Safe Z is gouging part MP1 6764311 gouge on lead in pass MP1 6767720 Getting Rough cut generation failed when trying to reverse path. MP1 6930701 saved MCS csys entitities are removed when nx4 part is open in NX7.5.5 MP1 6932644 Lock axis with right angle head fails MP1 6936958 Spikes and irregular Engage/Retracts in a ZLevel Operation MP1 6955944 Unable to show component if component was hidden while displaying WORKPIECE MP1 6974719 Tool shank is gouging part in Variable Streamline operation MP1 6978874 Local return - getting small retract/engage move when Return Move is None MP1 6984238 Manufacturing Feature Navigator Operation Status does not present correct status MP1 6986028 Cavity Mill; Non Cutting Linear Engage Gouges the Part MP1 6988503 Circle/Helix moves are not linear moves in NX9.0 when 840D UDE Compressor is ON MP1 6997585 spindle rpm variable is reset to zero MP1 7112097 Wire EDM path generation is inconsistent. MP1 7114199 Variable Axis-Operation will not generate after reselecting part geometry MP1 7115684 NX8 holemilling api fails to work in NX9 MP1 7120325 Cut Level changed when copying operation from NX7554MP10 to NX9013 MP1 7124463 wire edm is throwing signal 11 when making Sequence Internal Trim MP1 7126165 Tool database will not convert - throws signal 11 MP1 7126320 Cavity mill operation cuts too many levels at one end of the part MP1 7129474 File opens in NX6.0.5 MP12, fails to NX8.5.3 MP3 due to CAM setup. MP1 7133671 Corner Smoothing is inconsistent in newer versions of NX MP1 7134842 nominal and deviation values not showing on CMM report MP1 7137974 When running simulate machine the part turns red when check holes MP1 7142285 Tool List ShopDocs Excel template will not create report after XLS is published MP1 7142544 Rapid motion does not recognize the Z position of previous drill operation MP1 7149438 Face Milling Floor Wall does not cut the faces in the order selected MP1 7150049 Op Generate gives Memory Access Violation MP1 7152204 NX CMM Analyze TEXT output Tolerance Detail PASSES, but individual Points FAIL. MP1 7156325 Planar Milling produces Memory Access Violation MP1 7159382 Old Trim Boundaries interface Remove Last wont update graphic window MP1 7159567 Unnecessary cut region created by flowcut_ref_tool MP1 7161763 After generating an operation the status remains as needs generation. MP1 7161966 renaming feature does not rename relative measurement points MP1 7163575 out of the box tool list select xlsx errors after republishing MP1 7165579 SHOP DOCS- tool list select (HTML/Excel) order is random done from Program Order MP1 7166683 compiling a program in NX8.5.3 fails; works in NX8.5.0 MP1 7168410 Sketch Offset Curve auto-dimension location is always on XC-YC MP1 7168639 angularity tolerance created by LinkPMI has zero nominal value MP1 7169053 API Example to set trim / extend amount for planar milling part boundary MP1 7173042 planar mill part boundary cannot be removed from the operation MP1 7173079 Fixed Contour .. area milling stepover does not update. MP1 7174282 NX UGPART Failed To Save With Memory Access Violation MP1 7175346 Inspector does not support the FEAT/ARC that is output when posting MP1 7175354 getting sig 11 when linking PMI MP1 7179401 Setting Force on Rap1 Rap2 and Rap3 is not retained after close and reopen post. MP1 7182170 NX does not start from Teamcenter after installing NNS HF MP1 7187838 NX9.0.3 TCIN fails to start due to TC Display Rules hiding dataset types MP1 7189803 NX 9 crashes upon launching from TC in Kerberos SSO environment


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