Bentley AXSYS Process V8i v08.11.11.32


AXSYS.Process V8i provides new capabilities in many areas of the product. Major changes were made to the simulation interfaces and the change log and approval GUIs. Some of the main features addressed in this release are as follows: • Neutral XML Simulation File Import - All simulation interfaces updated to use this new import format. Going forward this will allow us to interface with minimal effort with any commercial or in-house simulation that can export XML. What we will also be able to do is provide code to other vendors so that they can write out encrypted XML files that we can read into the application. This way, we don't have to worry about any reverse-engineering of our simulation interface. • New Change Log and Approval user interfaces - Support for the creation, review and approval of change log files. The approval interface has the ability to review the submitting user's workspace. So now, we have a full GUI that shows all of the changes made to the user workspace for a clearer and more understandable way to review the user's changes prior to approval. • DGN Drawing Export - Ability to export the AXSYS.Process drawings to DGN format to be stored in ProjectWise. This expands our integration with ProjectWise - our 8.9.3 version had the ability to store datasheets in ProjectWise Other Key Enhancements: • Additional Simulation Interface Enhancements - Customizable Simulation Mapping Table - Aspen Plus Simulation Property Checks • This check is option but will make sure that property sets and individual properties are added for stream properties, heating/cooling curve properties, and tower stage properties - Additional Aspen Plus Block Type Support • Support for PETROFRAC and MULTIFRAC blocks. • Support for Hierarchy blocks in Aspen Plus - Aspen Plus Expanded Stream Property Enhancements • Streams created due to block expansion will now have stream data calculated and imported during the import process. • Support for Microsoft Vista - Tested on Microsoft Vista 32-Bit • Support for Microsoft Office 2007 - Datasheet interface re-written as a ribbon bar for Office 2007 support • New OpenPlant Schema PlugIn - First plant application to support this ongoing Plant Roadmap item - Allows publish of a File-System Repository (FSR) which can be read into other plant applications like ProjectWise Lifecycle Server - Note - This is a Services implementation • Unicode Support - Allows non western characters to be stored and displayed in AXSYS. This does not mean we are localizing the product - it means that if you install AXSYS on a non-western OS, it will store and display any characters you enter into the dialogs. - Due to limitations of Microsoft Visual Basic 6 controls, non-western language characters will only display correctly when the OS is set to use the correct "code page" or if the application is installed on a non-western version of the OS (ie Chinese).


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