Key new features in CivilStorm V8i (SELECTseries 3):
Common file format with other Bentley sewer and stormwater products: With CivilStorm, StormCAD, SewerGEMS, and SewerCAD's new unified file format, the .stws file replaces the .csd, .stc, .swg, and .swc files. This common file format makes modeling teams’ workflows more efficient, since a model created in any one of these products can now be seamlessly opened and edited in another.
Updated support for MicroStation: You can run CivilStorm from within MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 3). A MicroStation license is required – if you don't have a MicroStation license, you can choose to run CivilStorm in its stand-alone mode.
Updated support for AutoCAD: You can run CivilStorm from within AutoCAD 2014 (32- and 64-bit). An AutoCAD license is required – if you don't have an AutoCAD license, you can choose to run CivilStorm in its stand-alone mode.
i-models publishing: CivilStorm can now publish i-models (containers for the open exchange of infrastructure information) in 2D or 3D.
Multiple solvers: The StormCAD solver (gradually varied flow rational) is now included in CivilStorm, making CivilStorm a superset of StormCAD.
Automated design: CivilStorm now offers automated constraint-based design capabilities for storm sewers.
LID elements: Low-impact development (LID) controls can now be analyzed in CivilStorm.
HEC-22 inlet calculations: HEC-22 inlet capture efficiency calculations can be performed when using the SWMM solver in CivilStorm.
New gutter shapes: Support for v-shaped and parabolic gutters is now available in CivilStorm.
Node headloss: Node headloss calculations in accordance with HEC-22 3rd Edition are now available in CivilStorm.
Automated field filters: The input and results fields are automatically filtered according to the solver used.