Most Productive and Easy-to-Learn Tool
OpenPlant Modeler V8i is a specification-driven modeling system that matches how a plant designer works. Using the highly intuitive MicroStation V8i user interface, already familiar to many users, the rapid creation of 3D models including piping, HVAC, and electrical components is made easy. With the assistance of MicroStation features such as AccuDraw and AccuSnap, the placement of components requires a few simple clicks of the mouse.
Easy Reuse of Corporate Standards
Existing designs, models, and associated data, as well as catalogs and specifications from PDS, AutoPLANT, and PlantSpace, can be easily reused, enabling faster project start up and continuity of plant design.
Piping Specification from Multiple Formats
To ensure project compliance, piping specifications will limit the components that can be placed to what is in the specification. Running Specification Checktools validates that all components in a line meet the piping spec and will reduce checking time required, saving you time and money on your plant design projects.
Piping Plus
Model integrated HVAC components alongside piping in single integrated project model.
Open, No Proprietary Lock-In
Existing PDS designs and other third-party models can be reviewed and augmented to produce ISO 15926 output that enables future data reuse. In addition to third-party tool sets, OpenPlant Modeler provides tools that enable the migration of all PlantSpace Design Series models and data to the next generation of MicroStation-based plant design tools.
Freedom of Work Location
ProjectWise V8i Managed Workspace provides a centrally administered workspace, freeing the designer from having to be connected at all times and allowing work to be performed in a disconnected mode. All updates to design session and workspace are transferred upon connection.
Interoperable with OpenPlant Plant and Instrumentation Diagram Software
Interoperate with OpenPlant PowerPID - 2D/3D comparison.
Point Cloud Support
Interact directly with point clouds in the 3D model.
Model Component Browser and Pipeline Manager
The Model Component Browser provides designers complete insight into the plant design project to see which components are available to check out. Due to the dynamic check-in and check-out process, working with OpenPlant ModelServer V8i allows the designer to add or subtract components from the working session as required. This allows the user to work on an individual line, a complete system, or the whole project.
OpenPlant ModelServer V8i, which executes on top of ProjectWise V8i, allows the designer to be located anywhere in the world for a truly global project execution.
Modern Review and Publishing Functionality
The latest MicroStation V8i capabilities such as Dynamic Views make working in large models much easier. Plotting is available to Adobe PDF (2D and 3D) and many other formats.
Designers can quickly rectify mistakes in their design session by using the MicroStation V8i Undo command, with no fear of corrupting their plant design or database records.