RAM Concept was built with the needs of the practicing structural engineer in mind. Within the advanced feature set the user will find tools that specifically target the most common concerns of designers. Accommodation of complex floor geometries, ease with which changes can be handled, powerful task automation, and concise organization of output are all hallmarks of RAM Concept.
Modeling of the structure is done with familiar physical objects, with the option to trace over a CAD background.
Repeated effort can be saved by using intelligent program automation, with options to manually override.
Easily access a wealth of information and results using a well organized, layer-themed interface.
RAM Concept’s exhaustive design considerations include short and long term states, service and strength criteria, punching shear, vibration, and load history deflections.
Integrate RAM Concept models with RAM Structural System or STAAD.Pro to design the full 3D structure.
RAM Concept is the ultimate structural engineer’s software tool, enabling more efficient and more reliable slab and foundation design.
RAM Concept provides a comprehensive set of features that save precious time and money in the design of concrete structures, such as:
Complete modeling of the floor as physical objects: slabs, beams, walls, columns, openings, and penetrations.
Option to create design objects (such as design strips and studded shear reinforcement) either manually or by intelligent program automation.
Organization of user interface by layers, allowing easy access to a wealth of information.
Placement of reinforcement either manually or by automatic program selection, with the option to 'freeze' program reinforcement.
Tendon placement tools that allow tendons in even complicated floors to be quickly established and refined.
3D finite element analysis of the structure, with rationalization into resultants for easy processing by the designer.
Consideration of short and long term states, service and strength criteria, punching shear design, floor vibration, and advanced deflection calculations using load history.
2D and 3D plots of virtually any possible response quantity.
Creation of CAD files from reinforcing or post-tensioning plans.
Integrate RAM Concept models with RAM Structural System or STAAD.Pro to analyze and design the structure for full gravity load takedown and systematic lateral loads.