RAM Connection provides comprehensive analysis and design of virtually any connection type and the designs include the tedious seismic code provision requirements. Workflows are optimized with integration of 3D design and detailing models and through the ability to customize the program.
Design and optimize any connection type included in the AISC specifications, including both ASD and LRFD. Connection types include shear and moment connections, braced frame connections, and column and beam splices. Seismic provisions for moment and braced frames are also incorporated.
A single connection can be designed and duplication of effort and errors can be minimized with the integration of 3D design and detailing models. Utilize your RAM Structural System, RAM Elements, and STAAD.Pro design models with RAM Connection for seamless connection design of your entire structure.
RAM Connection V8i includes base plates for almost any kind of column support. Choose between uniaxial or biaxial analysis, design the base plate per AISC 360-05 (additional seismic check per AISC 341-05 included), design the anchor bolts per ACI 318-05 appendix D in seconds, and get all the detailed reports and structural details you need for your base plate designs.
RAM Connection provides flexibility due to its easily customizable interface. Conform to your office standards by entering your own connection tables and rules-of-thumb. Modifying the standard connection databases lets companies incorporate their expertise right into the program.
RAM Connection provides everything needed for steel connection design in one low-cost package.