Earlier versions of STAAD.Pro included a basic cable element and solver, however, whilst this is suitable for some rudimentary situations, more generally the behaviour of cables is such that the analysis needed is more complex than can be performed with this method and often led to divergent solutions. With SELECTseries 5 a more comprehensive nonlinear cable element formulation and solver has been added into the Advanced Solver which allows the more general problem to be solved. It is highly recommended when working with cable structures that the cable analysis using the Advanced Analysis is utilized.
The range of enhancements included addresses many different aspects of the programme from enhancing the range of design codes and enhancing the capabilities delivered by the advanced analysis to updating integrated modules such as RAM Connection and ISM to give the best version yet.
The main changes can be characterized in the following groups:-
· Features Affecting the Analysis and Design Engine
· Features Affecting Post Processing
· Features Affecting the General Programme
Features Affecting the Analysis and Design Engine