TecnoMETAL allows the user to use an interaction and a combination of useful features to the design of the steel structures with a lower price than individual software.
TecnoMETAL is an AutoCAD and BricsCAD Application software available in 4 versions each dedicated to a specific professional needs.
TecnoMETAL STANDARD dedicated to 2d drawing and to check connections of steel structures.
TecnoMETAL PREMIUM DESIGN dedicated to 2d and 3d drawing and to check connections of steel structures.
TecnoMETAL PREMIUM ANALYSIS dedicated to the verification of connections and the 3d model of steel structures with a possibility to design 2d drawing of steel structures.
TecnoMETAL ULTIMATE dedicated to 2d-3d design of steel structures with check of 3d steel structure and connections.TecnoMETAL ULTIMATE is an AutoCAD application software that allows you to design and verify steel structures, it is aimed to structural engineers, designers, SAP2000 users that need a tool to easily insert steel structure projects and interfacing with the design software, Revit users that need a tool for insert typical elements of steel structures such as stairs, bracing and connections, and general 3d software users who wish to have in one environment the design and verification of structure without having to import/export any file.
TecnoMETAL ULTIMATE allows to use all tools of TecnoMETAL: 3D modeling, 3d macro, generation NC/CAM files, bills of material, link 3d-2d, and generate all information for fabrication. TecnoMETAL allows the user to use a set of tools to design a 3d model of steel structure and check in according to EC3, AISC, NTC2008 and ABNT NBR, in addition to the checks you can print a complete report of calculation to be delivered to civil engineers; TecnoMETAL ULTIMATE is a pre-post processor at finite element and uses as solver XfinestSG or SAP2000; allows to import the 3d model with loads and constraints in solver, verifying and subsequently reported in CAD project each change that was made in verification environment.