Tekla Structures is Building Information Modeling (BIM) software that enables the creation and management of accurately detailed, highly constructable 3D structural models regardless of material or structural complexity. Tekla models can be used to cover the entire building process from conceptual design to fabrication, erection and construction management.
Tekla Structures is one product available in different configurations and localized environments that provide specialized set of functionality to suit the segment and culture-specific needs of the construction industry.
Tekla Structures software configurations
Environments and languages
Tekla Structures is localized to 30 environments to suit your local design and construction industry standards. The software user interface is translated to 15 languages and the help files and manuals are available in 8 languages.
Switching to Tekla software
Trimble Navigation and Tekla’s acquisition of StruCad puts the companies in position to lead the technology development of 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM) software for steel detailing and fabrication. Richard Brotherton, Executive Director to AceCad Software Group, tells about AceCad’s experiences on Tekla software after selling their StruCad software to Tekla.
See the videos and read the interview
Tekla BIM software can be used to interface with other existing applications, or solely as a platform to develop a customizable internal solution. It is an open solution that supports interoperability and standardization. Tekla Structures links with various systems through Tekla Open API™ application programming interface that is implemented using Microsoft® .NET technology. Examples of standard formats supported by Tekla are IFC, CIS/2, SDNF and DSTV. Examples of proprietary formats supported by Tekla are DWG, DXF and DGN. See Tekla Structures Interoperability chart.