HyperWorks Desktop is an integrated user environment for modeling and visualization. It can be used to pre-and post-process finite element and multi-body dynamics simulations as well as to manage and visualize simulation and test data. The following applications are part of the HyperWorks desktop framework: HyperMesh, MotionView, HyperView, HyperGraph (2D and 3D), MediaView, and TextView. HyperWorks Collaboration tools are fully integrated in this programmable and open environment. ScriptView is fully integrated for TCL scripting and debugging. HyperMesh is available in the Desktop as well as in the traditional standalone mode.
The applications interact with each other. For example the view (rotations, pan, zoom) between HyperMesh and HyperView can be synchronized, or HyperView, MediaView and HyperGraph time history animations are synchronized.
The open environment allows for customization of the user interface, report and process automation. ScriptView is a new IDE that dramatically increases productivity of programming in HyperWorks.
In HyperWorks 11.0 the desktop framework was re-architected to directly integrate the full-functional HyperMesh as well as to remove some dependencies on third-party software libraries. Although we made every reasonable effort to secure a high quality for the new frameworks, there may be small issues like user interface inconsistencies and differences in behavior that will be ironed out in upcoming patch releases. We appreciate any feedback in this regard. We will try to address issues in a timely manner.
HyperMesh - Universal finite element pre- and post-processor
MotionView - Multi-body dynamics pre- and post-processor
HyperView - High performance finite element and mechanical systems post-processor, engineering plotter, and data analysis tool
HyperGraph - Engineering plotter and data analysis tool
MediaView - Video viewer
TextView - HTML-based text editor