Altair HyperWorks Desktop v13.0.110


Altair HyperMesh is a high-performance finite element pre-processor to prepare even the largest models, starting from import of CAD geometry to exporting an analysis run for various disciplines. HyperMesh enables engineers to receive high quality meshes with maximum accuracy in the shortest time possible. A complete set of geometry editing tools helps to efficiently prepare CAD models for the meshing process. Meshing algorithms for shell and solid elements provide full level of control, or can be used in automatic mode. Altair’s BatchMeshing technology meshes hundreds of files precisely in the background to match user-defined standards. HyperMesh offers the biggest variety of solid meshing capabilities in the market, including domain specific methods such as SPH, NVH or CFD meshing. A long list of CAD formats ensures a high level of CAD interoperability. Altair’s connector technology automatically assembles individual parts with their Finite Element representation. HyperMesh is entirely customizable. A extensive API library can be used to automate repeating tasks or do complicated math operations for model generation. With a focus on engineering productivity, HyperMesh is the user-preferred environment for: • Solid Geometry Modeling • Shell Meshing • Model Morphing • Detailed Model Setup • Surface Geometry Modeling • Solid Mesh Generation • Automatic Mid-surface Generation • Batch Meshing


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