Altair HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 HotFix


Altair HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 HotFix HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 1 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes HyperXtrude Introduction Altair HyperXtrude is a suite of finite element solvers for simulating metal extrusion, polymer extrusion, metal rolling, friction stir welding, billet forging, and resin transfer molding processes. It has process specific features for each of these processes and supported with an easy use interface for setting up model data. This hotfix update contains bug fixes to 13.0.210 release. HyperXtrude for Metal Extrusion Resolved Issue • Many improvements have been made to bearing friction module based on extrusion nose cone results. They include changes to choke angle sensitivity and also friction applied for indirect extrusion. • For coupled analysis models with gap contact (disconnected mesh) between tool and workpiece, solver was missing few elements in the contact search for some models. This issue is now resolved. • When bearing optimization analysis reaches the tolerance with the initial bearing design, that is, when no additional correction iterations are required, exported H3D file was corrupted. This issue is now resolved. • Solver was exporting the FEM file with the tool model during coupled analysis at every time step instead of the predefined save frequency. This is now resolved. This FEM file is used for computing stress analysis calculations in OptiStruct. • Grain size computation requires data for activation energy. When the material model in the data file does not include this data, these computations used zero value. Now this is corrected and the solver will assume the value of AA6063 alloy. HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 2 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering HyperXtrude for Polymer Processing Resolved Issues • When velocity at the inlet is specified using “Normal Velocity” instead of X, Y, or Z component of the velocity; there was an internal error in pressure smoothing computations. This issue is now resolved. MotionSolve Introduction MotionSolve is a state-of-the-art multi-body solver available in HyperWorks. It has a complete set of modeling elements and powerful numerical methods to support a full set of analysis methods. The accuracy, speed and robustness of MotionSolve have been validated through extensive testing with customer models and test data. MotionSolve also offers unmatched compatibility with ADAMS/Solver input. This is a hotfix release which contains all the features of 13.0.211 and additionally introduces 1 new update. Enhancements With this hotfix release, the library “” is added to the installation for the Linux platform only. This library is required while performing bushing parameter identification via fitting and also while using the bushing simulation model. Make sure to include the MotionSolve installation path in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for the fitting to work correctly. For example, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to …/13.0.213/altair/hwsolvers/motionsolve/bin/linux64 HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 3 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.212 Release Notes OptiStruct Introduction Altair OptiStruct is an industry proven, modern structural analysis solver for linear and non-linear mechanical problems under static, dynamic, and thermal loads. It is the market-leading solution for structural design and optimization. Based on finite-element and multi-body dynamics technology, and through advanced analysis and optimization algorithms, OptiStruct helps designers and engineers rapidly develop innovative, lightweight and structurally efficient designs. OptiStruct is used by thousands of companies worldwide to analyze and optimize structures and mechanical systems for strength, durability, noise and vibrations, heat transfer, as well as impact. This is a hotfix release which contains all the features of 13.0.211 and additionally introduces 6 new enhancements and fixes 16 issues. Enhancements The 64-bit Sparse Direct Solver can now be activated using a command line option The –i64slv command line option is now available to activate the 64-bit Sparse Direct Solver. Additionally, this solver will also be activated automatically if a large memory value (> 16GB) is specified using the –len run option. Select RADIOSS version for Equivalent Static Load (ESL) Optimization The –v_rad command line option can now be used to select the RADIOSS version for Equivalent Static Load (ESL) Optimization. HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 4 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering The GRID coordinates can be directly input on PARAM, GRDPNT The GRID coordinates can now be directly input on PARAM, GRDPNT instead of the GRID Identification number. Large Shape changes in Shape Optimization are now supported for Nonlinear Analysis Large Shape changes are now supported for Nonlinear Analysis for a structure that contains N2S contact, CGAP and CGAPG elements. Earlier only Linear Analysis was supported for Large Shape changes in Shape Optimization. Density, Thermal Expansion, Reference Temperature, and Poisson’s Ratio are now available for Hyperelastic Materials (MATHE) Density, Thermal Expansion, Reference Temperature, and Poisson’s Ratio input are now available via the RHO, TEXP, TREF, and K fields for Hyperelastic Materials (MATHE) for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis. The number of Directories in which Scratch files can be written has now been increased from 5 to 20 The Directories in which Scratch files can be written is specified using the TMPDIR entry. Now the number of TMPDIR entries that can be specified in the input file has been increased from 5 to 20. So a total of 20 Scratch Directories can now be used for an OptiStruct run. Enhanced parameters • GAPPRM, GRDPNT: The GRID coordinates can now be directly input on PARAM, GRDPNT instead of the GRID Identification number. Enhanced bulk data entries HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 5 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering • MATHE: − The RHO, TEXP, TREF, and K fields are now available to specify Density, Thermal Expansion, Reference Temperature, and Poisson’s Ratio. New and Enhanced Run options • -i64slv: This new command line option can be used to activate the 64-bit Sparse Direct Solver. • -len: This command line option can now be used to activate the 64-bit Sparse Direct Solver if a memory greater than 16 GB is specified. • -v_rad: This command line option can be used to select the RADIOSS version for Equivalent Static Load (ESL) Optimization. Resolved Issues • The Equivalent Plastic Strain in RADIOSS optimization was inactive, this has now been added. • For Lattice Optimization, if an RBE3 is attached to an RBE2 that is attached to the lattice design space, the -_lattice.fem file did not contain the correct RBE3 elements. This has now been fixed. • For Nonlinear Large Displacement Analysis, a programming error occurred if the dependent degrees of freedom are specified as 123 in an RBE3. This has now been fixed. • Residual Vectors (RESVEC) were generated on independent degrees of freedom of Multipoint Constraints (MPC) even if Single Point Constraints (SPC) are applied on them. This has now been fixed and RESVEC’s are not calculated for such degrees of freedom. • The application of temperature loading in a model with Pretensioned Bolts led to an error (4800). This has now been fixed. • In the .out file, an extra space was present before the label “Design Volume Fraction”. This extra space has now been removed. • A programming error (251) occurred if Element Kinetic Energy (EKE) is requested in Normal Modes subcases during optimization and HyperMesh output is requested. This has now been fixed. • The .prop file from an optimization job was incorrectly written out when ECHO=NONE. This has now been fixed. • During Free-Shape optimization with Pretension Bolts, ERROR 2 occurred. This has now been fixed. • Negative GRID ID’s were present for GPFORCE, GPSTRESS, MPCFORCE, and SPCFORCE in .pch or .op2 file when the model contains pretension bolts. This resulted in post-processing issues and has now been fixed. These negative GRID ID’s have now been removed. • A programming error occurred if static loading was referenced in transient analysis. This has now been fixed. HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 6 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering • A blank line has now been removed from the PUNCH stress output for TETRA/PENTA elements. • Size optimization runs with many design variables and design variable to property relationships were running slow in some cases. This has now been fixed by enhancing sensitivity calculation speedups and the runtime has been improved. • In Heat Transfer runs using the MAT5 entry, an issue occurred during material coordinate transformations. This has now been fixed. • The results were incorrect for Inertia Relief analysis with AUTOSPC degrees of freedom. This issue has now been fixed. • A Warning indicating that thickness is zero for some composites (Warning 1569) was incorrectly output during shuffling optimization. This has now been fixed. HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 7 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.211 Release Notes OptiStruct Introduction Altair OptiStruct is an industry proven, modern structural analysis solver for linear and non-linear mechanical problems under static, dynamic, and thermal loads. It is the market-leading solution for structural design and optimization. Based on finite-element and multi-body dynamics technology, and through advanced analysis and optimization algorithms, OptiStruct helps designers and engineers rapidly develop innovative, lightweight and structurally efficient designs. OptiStruct is used by thousands of companies worldwide to analyze and optimize structures and mechanical systems for strength, durability, noise and vibrations, heat transfer, as well as impact. This is a hotfix release which contains all the features of 13.0.210 and additionally introduces 1 new enhancement and fixes 2 issues. General The default scratch file extension can now be changed using an environment variable The environment variable, OS_SCRATCH_EXT, can now be used to change the default scratch file extension. The default extension is .rs~. Resolved Issues • An issue where the Contact status for Surface-to-Surface (S2S) Contact in Domain Decomposition Mode (DDM) was incorrect has now been fixed. • Response Spectrum input with DTI, SPECSEL requires the damping value to be specified in the units of critical damping. An issue where the damping with TABDMP1 had units other than critical damping lead to incorrect results. This has now been fixed by internally converting the damping values into critical damping. HyperWorks Solvers 13.0.213 Release Notes 8 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering MotionSolve Introduction MotionSolve is a state-of-the-art multi-body solver available in HyperWorks. It has a complete set of modeling elements and powerful numerical methods to support a full set of analysis methods. The accuracy, speed and robustness of MotionSolve have been validated through extensive testing with customer models and test data. MotionSolve also offers unmatched compatibility with ADAMS/Solver input. This is a hotfix release which contains all the features of 13.0.210 and additionally introduces 1 new update. Note With this hotfix release, for any models using the DSTIFF integrator with the index set to 2 (SI2), the solver will instead use the DSTIFF integrator with index set to 1 (SI1). Velocity states are not checked for integration error (dae_vel_ctrl = “FALSE”) in this case.


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