News in COMSOL Multiphysics
- New COMSOL Desktop interface for Windows with a ribbon design that provides easier navigation
- A completely new Multiphysics node in the model tree for setting up multiphysics models
* Combine physics interfaces to define your own multiphysics
* Choose from built-in multiphysics couplings
* View each physics interface as a separate node in the tree
- One-click select: hover-and-click selection method speeds up the modeling process
- Auto-complete search to quickly find variables to use in results in the Windows version
- Geometry subsequences for user-defined geometric primitives
- If/else statements in the model tree for conditional geometry creation
- Export mesh to NASTRAN file formats
- Time-unit handling in the solvers
News in add-on products
- Structural Mechanics Module: easy access to rotordynamic forces, updated shell-solid couplings, and fast method for contact
- Heat Transfer Module: fast methods for radiation in participating media, thermoelectric effect, and heating of biological tissue
- Acoustics Module: Linearized Euler equations for aeroacoustics simulations
- CFD Module: dramatically increased conservation of mass and energy for laminar flow
- AC/DC Module: now includes 167 nonlinear magnetic materials
- RF Module: ports on interior boundaries (reintroduced from version 3.5a)
- Particle Tracing Module: efficient method for particle-field and fluid-particle interactions
- Optimization Module: additional gradient-free method (BOBYQA) for dimensional optimization and additional gradient-based method (MMA) for topology optimization
New product
- Mixer Module: analysis of stirred mixers and reactors with tools for free surface modeling and non-Newtonian fluids