SimWise 4D is for design and engineering professionals developing products involving assemblies of 3D parts. By simulating your assemblies in this unique virtual environment, you will produce more creative, robust designs and reduce cycle time.
With SimWise 4D, you can simulate the rigid body dynamics of an assembly, “size” components, determine part interferences and collision response, identify stresses induced by motion, produce physics-based animations, and test your control systems.
A Proven Simulation Tool
SimWise 4D was born when DST acquired a license from MSC Software Corporation to the MSC.visualNastran 4D (vn4D) product. The software traces its roots to the Working Model 3D product developed by Knowledge Revolution, which was acquired by MSC in 1999, extended to include FEA capabilities, and renamed Working Model 4D. It has found tens of thousands of users among engineering professionals, students, and educators.
SimWise FEA is a Finite Element Analysis tool that performs stress, normal modes, buckling, and heat transfer analysis on mechanical parts. It is highly automated and handles much of the complexity associated with FEA while offering powerful features for users who are steeped in the intricacies of the Finite Element Method.
It imports geometry from your CAD system and allows you to add structural and thermal specific entities to the model resulting in a functional structural prototype of your design. It simulates that prototype using advanced physics and mathematical techniques and presents the results of the simulation in various graphic and numeric formats. You can quickly determine whether your design is robust enough to operate as intended or if modifications are necessary. All on the computer, all without costly and time-consuming physical prototypes and before warranty issues arise.
Rich set of Loads and Restraints
SimWise FEA has a rich set of functional objects that are added to your CAD model to build a functional structural prototype. These objects include:
Concentrated loads, distributed loads, torques, and pressures
Restraints and enforced displacements
Prescribed temperatures, conductive and convective heat flux, and radiation
All of these values can be driven by the SimWise formula language. All of these objects are applied to the underlying geometry, not to nodes and elements as in a traditional FEA product.
Solver Technology
SimWise uses a fast iterative Finite Element Analysis solver that takes advantage of multi-core processors and which is based on a Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method. SimWise FEA exclusively uses ten-node tetrahedral elements and the solver is optimized for this type of problem.
SimWise FEA can display FEA results as shaded contours, deformed shapes, or animations. In addition to these engineering values, SimWise FEA also calculates factors of safety and errors in the stress results and both of these can be displayed as shaded contours.
Adaptivity means Confidence
Adaptivity refines the FEA model in areas of high stress